

In the beginning of the next month, I'm taking IELT again as the last test(. . ;)_So, actually, I needed to study for it.. But, some parts of me kindly helped me keep out of control over myself..


I changed my mind wisely! I devoted most of my time of the last three days to reading the book because I realized it was the clever way rather than trying to keep away the book from me (o< )=3( the book distracted me a lot from studying for the upcomimg test..)

And ..finally,I did it~~My curiosity to know the following story pushed me to go through reading the whole story~

In a word,

I'll get down to studying for IELT from today <( '~';)..

The last time I took IELT and got the result which was not enough to my target, my mother said she hope I can streach my ability more than I have the next time..(実力以上の力が出せるといいね♪) ???The comon phrase is saying "hope you can come into my own"..(実力が発揮できると良いね♪) I realize that my mother is too optimistic or parhaps, too ambituois. Anyway,I hope there excists more than 100% things in this world!! And my cleverst moment comes when i hope( ><)☆


Lovely to meet... ME(->ω<) ♡(>ω<-)

 Geisha again.. because I found my name in that book(☆o☆)!What a coincidence~~ Nice to meet Me~( ^^)(^^ )♪

 I have three names now, Kanako, Mun, Michelle.

Which name did I come across? Of course, Kanako~My real name! Kanako in this book is one of Gaisya's names~ But, she is a not good character..I was really desappointed in me..(><;)!! I sometimes explain my friends my whole name don't have any specific means together. Because ,for my parents, the sound of names and the number of strokes used to write them(there are luckily and unlucky strokes considering our family names)were matters rather than the meaning of each characters. But, if i force myself to make my name have some meanings..my name means a child who adds a pear..Does it make sense(' '?)

Sometimes, I find my name in some TV shows or comics. I don't know why, but Kanako are bad charasters in anywhere.. Poor me.. for me, every name has some image or impression thanks to my friends who I met in my life(-UωU-)☆For example..

Mai..an active girl
Miho..a trendy girl
Misaki.. a respectable girl
Ayaka..a fasionable girl
Chisato.. a sensitive girl
Rina..a lovable girl

How about Kanako..? I just hope Kanako don't bring my friends bad impression becuase of me(>人<;) Mun~ My one of nicknames is Mun which used since I was kindergartner. My first name is Murase. and if I read my first name from the end it is Se ra mu. and then, if I combine seramu and Mun, it becomes seramun. It seems like sailor moon(セーラームーン). This is the title of the Japanese famous animation for girls. セーラームーン is famous in Australia as well. So I can feel like as if I am famous.lol

My host mother thought my name was Mon.. My friend thought my nick name was Moon...and our dog's nick name seems to be Mun.. It's a bit confusing.. Mmm, any name is OK as long as i can recognize I am called..


お疲れ様でしたm(_ _)m

I finally finished the first semester at UTS. Time really seems to fly~.

How have I changed in the past 4 months? Nothing in particular, maybe. I am ..still me.

My main and big objective in Australia is.. to get passion!!

I mean busting a gut at least one time or expressing my emotion more clearly <(@@)/~

In this personal subject, maybe I failed .. And I seem to have to carry over this from this semester to the next semester...

Anyway, I'm well content with life here~ There are too many things made me inspired to write down here. So, I will write about such a kind of thing when the time is right.

Just I want to say thanks to everybody ~ありがとう☆