
Letters are better.

2年連続で、差出人の自分の名前を書き忘れるなんてことをして送り手に迷惑かけてましたが、、今年は、ちゃんと書きました。ひとりひとりに、コメント書くの大好きです。書きたいこと多くて、つい、字が小さくなってしまうのだけど…そこはご愛敬m(*_ _)mこうやって筆…と言うよりペンを取ってると、2008年になるんだな~って実感します。
 I usually use e-mail as a communication tool. Sending E-mail is more convenient than writing letters. It is faster and easier. But! writing letter is also good. Handwriting can express person's color, I think. I wrote new Year's cards, today. I am not a good correspondent(letter writer) , but I like writing. I can recognize that new year is coming soon by writing New Year's card.
New Year's card is common among Japanese. It is one of Japanese culture. But, recently, the number of people write new year's card has been decreasing observably. Many young people send new year's mail instead of writing new year's card. I will miss New year's card...
This year(2007 ) goes quickly for me. Time flies for me. It proves that I can enjoy this year!!
I hope new year(2008) is wonderful year for everyone and happiness comes to everyone.


みんなの雫よ、海となれ ~Many drops make a flood~

  I met my friends, today. All we belonged to the student council when we were junior high school students. After graduating from the junior high school, we went to different high schools and now, most of them don't live in Yamanashi, because most of them go to universities in other prefectures. But!! we still keep in touch with each other. And once a year, we gather and chatting to catch up with each other. They each have each character, so it is interesting to speak with them for me. Most of us are twenty years old now. So, next time we can held a drinking party legally. I can't join the next drinking party because I have a previous reservation. So,I am looking forward to the next of next drinking party!!




 I went out for dinner with my friends in my junior high school days. We meet about once a month even though It is little difficult to arrange our schedules because we are a university student, a student in the technical college and a member of society respectively. We won't be able to meet again before I come back from Australia. So, I will miss them.. And they also said they would miss me. I am happy that they think they need me. I hope we can chat again after one year as now.


The best things in life are free.

 この前、ドラマやってましたね。本は、名言満載☆☆想定できないような、おばあちゃんのコメントの数々、さすがだゎ~。"歴史もできんと?「過去にはこだわりません」って書いとけ"名言です!!メモっちゃったょ(笑) 言葉通りお母さんに背中を押され始まった、おばあちゃんとの生活。うっそぉ~と言いたくなるようなとこいっぱいありすぎて、どこをつっこんで良いのやら。。"衣食住のすべてがシンプルな暮らし。"とあとがきにあるように、まさにシンプル極まりないですね。凄いな~、凄すぎるな~(' ';)...全体的なはフランクで軽い感じがする本だけど、教わること、気づかされること、多い気がする。"大切なのはお金じゃない"ってことを前面に押し出した内容だけど、1番この本が伝えたいのは、おばあちゃんそのものなのでしょう。"気づかれずにするのが本当の親切" ん~。確かに。目に見えない親切、地道な努力、難しい。押し付けの親切にならないためには、相手がどうして欲しいのか、どう思ってるのか、気づかなきゃいけないので。人に良い自分を見せるのは、案外、簡単なんだけどね~。料理できないけど、料理出来そうなランキングには入れます。根がしっかりしてなくても、一瞬ならしっかりすることは出来ます。O型でも、A型と1週間くらいなら勘違いさせられ(ると思い)ます。人に見せる自分は作れます。でも、それが本当の自分なのかは・・不明。人に見せるための自分ではない部分でも、素敵な人になれたら良いなと思います。
 I read a book named "Saga no Gabai Bachan" The author is a Japanese comedian. This book is written about a country life of the author with his grandmother in his childhood. "Gabai" is dialect in Saga prefecture. And it means amazing or impressive. Their life was very very very... simple! But that does not mean their life is dull. His grandmother has own point of view for all sides. And the author learned a lot of important things to live happy life from his grandmother. Readers can also learn as well to read this book. His grandmother often said that money is not important and we can live a pleasant life without much money. And her life proves this thought.In this book, we can find a lot of witty remarks which the grandmother said. Most of her sayings are funny and make us laugh. But there are also sayings which we can guess her view of life and these sayings teach a lot of important things for us. She does not take care how she was shown by others, but she take care others heartily. And her kindness is not for being prised. I hope I can be a nice person such as this grandmother someday.


The next day of Cristmas comes but once a year.

 クリスマスは年に1回☆と言うことは、つまり、"クリスマスの翌日"も年に1回=貴重な日に変わりはないはず(笑)アメ横&浅草行ってきましたε=ε=(/*^▽)/若者の聖地(?)ディズニーランドやら新宿やらに、"ぐっ"と来るべきなんだろうけど…なぜか時めいてしまう…ものは使用がない!!そそられました。ので、ので、素直に足を運びました。"浅草でおばちゃんに絡まれる" "アメ横で人ごみに潰される"等々、まわりに脅かされましたが、、めげずに行って良かったです。みんな行くべきだょ!?
 浅草はと言うと、"The 日本"のような雰囲気でありながら、インターナショナルな町。英語が聞こえてきました。外人さん多いもんね。英語の教科書で、アメ横が出てきて、「"Hey, guys!"とアメ横のお店の人が外国人観光客に話しかける」という設定があって、、"いや~この設定は無理があるだろ~"とウケてたけど、、浅草なら、そんな設定も"あり"なのではないかと思われます。浅草のオーラ好きです。自分に合ってる気がします。同化できる気さえします!浅草寺は、、、もうプチ京都発見と言えちゃうんじゃないかな☆常香炉があって、その周りは、お線香の煙(?)がもくもく。煙を"体の悪いところにかけると良い"とのこと。ということで!?バイト先のみんなに言われ(懇願され?)た通り、念入りに&思いっきり、頭に浴びときました。効果に期待だ(笑)お賽銭もちゃんとしました!良いことありますように( ^人-)-☆十分なご縁があるはず。なぜなら・・
5円  ご縁がありますように
15円 十分ご縁がありますように
25円 二重にご縁がありますように
35円 みんなにご縁がありますように
45円 始終ご縁がありますように
(私のためにも)今年の初詣には、ぜひ35円入れてあげて欲しいですm(_ _)m



Christmas comes but once a year

 奉仕される人がいるということは、奉仕する側も必要なわけで� 年中無休とか止めてほしいです(;-ω)/"見飽きたんだけど"とか店長に言われても…もう少しお付き合い頂くしか…私に出来ることはありません。でも!?ぐちぐち言いつつ(グチの相手させてすみません.)バイト続けてるのは、やっぱり楽しいから♪2年もやってれば、自分の居場所みたいなものを感じてみたりなんかしてみたり。喫茶店は、何を隠そう、人間ウォッチングの穴場。ぃゃ~、面白い人がやってくるやってくる。90歳越えても、元気にモーニング食べに来る常連のおばぁちゃんやら、女装に磨きがかかるおじいちゃんやら。怪しい勧誘してる人もいたり。。いつもトーストセットを流暢に頼む外人さんもいたな~。常連さんの1人が図書館のスタッフってことも判明しました。図書カードも落としてみるもんだ(笑)喫茶店でコーヒーを優雅に味わう図書館員って…彼の与えるイメージは満点+α!!!!まぁ、見た目はいたって普通のおじさんですが。みんな良いお客さんなわけでは決してないけれど、素敵な出会いも多いです。続けられてて良かった、良かった。仕事間違うゎ、仕事出来ないゎ、仕事覚えないゎの私が、暖かい、暖か過ぎる程のスタッフのみんなのおかげです。諦めてくれて助かります(笑)何だかんだで、指導する立場まで成り上ってきてますが、、、先輩の貫禄ゼロで、、申し訳ないです。でも、新人さん達は、物覚え速くて、私の拙い日本語を理解してくれて可愛い限りです。未だかつて、バイト初日にお冷溢した子見たことありません(私以外に。。)みんな素敵しい!!何も出来ないけど、せめて(?)ハートのカプチーノを作れるようになるように、最近は、必死こいてます( >o)o"写真は、第何弾か目の、ハートらしきカプチーノ☆現段階の私にしては、誰になんと言われようが、これはハートであり、かつ、あっぱれな仕上がりです。
If there are buyers, it is necessary to be sellers. The coffee shop which I have worked at part-time opens all a year even Christmas... Unbelievable( . . ;) I often complain about a part-time job, but, in fact, I also enjoy my part-time job. So, I could have worked there for about 2 years. Many people come to the coffee shops and every customer has charming character. Of course, not all of the customers are good. But,most of them are good and they bring me fruitful time. As most of my friends know, I often make mistakes and take more time to remember tasks than others. I guess I often bring trouble to other staff members... But,other staff members are soooooooo kind. So, I have worked there for no lass than 2 years. I can't help saying "thanks for their kindness" to them. Recently, I practice to be able to make Cappuccino on milk which shaped heart. I don't know my Cappuccino in the picture can be said heart , but , as far as I judge,it is a Heart Cappuccino (*^^*)


☆(ノ^^)八(^^ )ノ☆

 バイト先に、大和田伸也が、お客さんとしてふらっとやって来ました!! ぃゃ~、アートで芸能人に会えるなんてびっくりだ~!っと思いきや!?山梨が結構、ロケ地で使われ&うちの喫茶店が駅の中にあるおかげで、時たま芸能人来ちゃうらしいです。朝小竜、ダチョウクラブの上島竜平、川嶋あい( I wish)etc..なかなか凄いんじゃないかな。ちなみに、スープセットをお召し上がりになりました。レジ担当したので、”頑張って下さい”と言ってみました。
大和田伸也は、最近では”暴れん坊ママ”のおじいちゃん役やってましたね。そして、そのドラマのエンディングで使われていたのが、mihimaru GT のI should be so lucky.♪♪この曲が流れて来た時は、私のために流れてきたのか!?くらい、驚きでした。本当にびっくりしたゎ~(・`ロ・ノ)ノ!!小学生時代に、天テレでジャスミンが歌ってるの聞いて良い曲~と思いつつも曲名を覚えてなくて…長い間片思い状態だった1曲。予想だにしなかった再会☆☆そして、mihimaruのおかげで、原曲はKylie Minogue が歌ってることが判明☆ぃゃ~、感謝です。mihimaru GTのカバーは、相当アレンジされてて、新たな曲って言った方が正しそうですが…どっちも好きです(^^)でも、ジャスミンが歌ってるのが、もっと好きです!!天テレは良い曲カバーしてるなって最近気づきました。マドンナの マテリアルガールも、確かジャスミンが天テレで歌ってたし♪
 I met a Japanese actor named Owada Shinya because he dropped in the coffee shop which I work at part-time as a waitress. I was surprised that such a famous person came to the coffee shop. It was the first time for me to met an actor in the coffee shop although I have met entertainers in Tokyo,but, surprisingly, I heard from other staff members that other famous person also came to the coffee shop before even though I missed the opportunities to meet them. The coffee shop is in the Kofu station( Main station in Yamanashi) and Yamanashi prefecture is sometimes selected as a place for making movies or TV drama. So, I think sometimes famous person comes to our coffee shop. By the way(?) Mr.Owada ate the soup and toast set.
He appeared the TV drama , Abarenbo-Mama, as the role of the father of main character. The song used in the ending of the TV drama is I should be so lucky sang by mihimaru GT. I know the melody of that song because I know the original version of this song sang by Kylie Minogue. Most every day, I watched the TV program for children( Tensai-terebi-kun) when I was a elementary student. In this TV program, there was a program which children practiced and sang songs. "I should be so lucky" was sang by children in this program so I know this song. Unfortunately, I forgot the name of the song though I could hum it.Thanks to TV drama , Abarenbo-Mama, I can remember the name of the song and examine who sing an original version of the song.


Grief is lessened when imparted to others

I read the book named "NEVERLAND" written by Okuda Riku. This book grasps my attention when I read only one sentense. That proves the author of this book has fantastic skill of witting, I think. There are mainly 4 boys in this story. And they live in a dormitory of a boys' school. Even though the dormitory itself is small, but!!,the content of this book is deep( There is full of meaning in this book.). There are some parts which I can't understand meaning. I hope I can understand every part someday.
4 boys have a kind of serious frustration and tried to solve their problems without other's help. But, finally, they open their mind each other heartily. I guess this story is little serious to read. I read this book when I was little tired. And I felt more tired because of serious content of this book. So, I might recommend my friends to read this book when they are cheerful in order not to feel tired.


Histry itself returns

日本発の日が決まりました!! 2月7日☆ そろそろ、本腰を入れて準備に取り掛からないと、出発できないんじゃないかと思います。12月に水着を探すのは、無謀ですね。。留学の準備のひとつとして水着を掘り起こしました。と言っても、母の若き頃のもの。一応、セパレート!母の時代にも、セパレートはあったんだ~(笑)海の無い県しか住んだことないので⇒、水着(スクール水着以外)には縁遠かったので⇒いや~新鮮。時代はめぐるというようにファッションの流行りもめぐるらしい。Aラインも前に流行ったことがあるみたいだし、頷ける部分もあるのかな。ということで母の水着には、オーストラリアまでお供してもらう予定です。
I decide the day I leave Japan. February 7th. I think I have to get down to prepare for studying abroad soon. Now is summer in Australia, so I need swim wear to study in Australia. I realized that it is difficult to buy swim wear at shops in December... . So, my mother and me hunted for swim wear in our house and found mother's swim wear which my mother used when she was a student. This swim wear is good for me even though it was made a long time ago. I heard fashion itself returns. In fact,some part of modern fashions for young people in Japan came into fashion when mother's generation was young. Anyway, I am going to take this swim wear to Australia with me!



 成人式の前撮りをしました~☆★着物は黒。仕上がりは、、悪く言えば、”もはや私ではない。。 ”よく言えば、"私じゃないみたい♪” ファンデーション塗るときに、絵の具を塗られる画用紙の気持ちを垣間見れた気がしました(☆o☆)!!でも、人にお化粧をしてもらうのは、面白い☆文字通りまさに、けるおい。いつもは、考えもしないようなアイシャドーの色をチョイスされたり、口紅塗ってみたり。新鮮だゎ!!
 I took pictures with dressing in a traditional piece of Japanese clothing like long coat,kimono. That pictures are so-so showing, I think. If I say positively I could photographed like a woman not a girl thanks to wear kimono. If I say negatively, I looked like...
Stuff members in a photo studio dressed me , makeup me and tie my hair up. They selected the different colors as eye shadow and lip rouge from the colors I always select. I was surprised how I could changed only by changing colors. I think that pictures will remind me of my twenties when I see them for a long time later.


Speach is the picture of the mind

2ヶ月強越しの思いをついに実現させて・・・という程でもないけど・・・やっと見ました。「しゃべれどもしゃべれども」。宣伝通り、落語中心の内容。主役の国分さんもさる事ながら、森永悠季君だったかな。ツボです♪関西弁ってだけで、私的には・・ツボです(*^^*) 適役!!彼のためにこの役がある!と言っても良いのではないかと思います。彼自身が役のキャラにスポッと納まってる感じ。まさに”スポッ”って感じでした。本物はどんな性格なのかな。役の感じのままでいて欲しい~と期待してしまうのは、視聴者のわがままなんだろうけど。。。何となく、さんまのからくりテレビに出て欲しい(笑)香里菜さんだったかな。泣き方が“美”。泣こうと思えば、あんなに綺麗に泣けるものなのだな~と、内容とは違うとこで関心してしまいました。寝相やら、泣き方やらは自分の支配の範囲外だと思っていたけど、、、そうでもないのかな(’’?)頑張る価値はある・・・のかもしれないですね。
 I watched DVD named "Syaberedomo-Syaberedomo" I had been looking forward to appearing this movie as DVD for about 2 months. This movie mainly deals with comic storytelling(らくご). Of course, I like main cast, Kubub Taichi. But, one of sub casts, Morinaga Yuki, fixed my attention more. I can easily "guess" his own character "completely" suits his part in this movie even though I don't know whether my guess is really right or not. If possible,in his real life,I want him to be as the same character as the part not to fail to meet my expectations for him. I was also attracted by the scene that another sub cast , Karina cried. She wept bitter tears. I surprised the fact she was still beautiful even when she cried.


Money Talks

つまり990万とかってことになるのかな。私の計算合ってるのか!?と疑いたくなる数字です。凄いな~。異世界。写真の下に、”自分の著作の本の印税も収入の足しになるみたいなことが書いてありました。大学の授業で自分の本を教材にしてる先生もちらほらいるのはこのせいなのかな。BOOK OFFに売りたい本のリストが簡単に出来そうで困ります(><)
 I spotted the article "Excuse Me Professor, How Much Do you Earn?"in VOA Special English. This title absolutely fascinated me. According to this article, the average salary for full professors , associate professors and assistant professors is $99000,$70000 and $59000 respectively. These numbers are too big to belive for me. I think they live in another world. Indeed, one of professors said that "Money from the sale of books written by professors can add to their salaries." I can easily convince that comment because same professors in my university use books written by themselves as texts. That helps their live, I guess. That gives me a troublesome task to make a list to buy these books after the semester...

A book is a machine to kill time with..

One of my hobbies is reading. Yesterday, I read “ kage-hinata ni saku(”陰日向に咲く)
This book is written by gekidan hitori(劇団ひとり)It puts up a good show even though his regular occupation is a comedian and this book is the maiden work for him. There seems to be some different stories in a book and different main characters if we see only the surface. But, in the end, all stories connect with each other. This book is too interest to stop reading so I read it at a stretch. Especially I like the part of “good bye Moses” (さよならモーゼ) I like the unexpected end of this part. He has both ability to make people laugh and ability to write well. His good writing ability lifted him in my eyes. I want to get a part of his ability if possible (><) I heard this book will become a movie at no distant date. I am looking forward to watching it!  



A door must be either shut or open.

The other day, international students in Yamanashi university do mochi-tsuki ( to pound steamed rice into cake)with their neighborhood. I asked them to give me some rice cake and they really gave me them! They are first rice cake for me to eat in this winter. Mochi makes me realized the coming midwinter. I guess it is not too much to say that rice cake are bywords for winter!

先日、留学生が、餅つきをしたとのこと。"餅欲しいな~”と言っておいたら、本当にくれました。いや~感謝です(*^^*)何だかんだで、今年☆初餅☆ 冬を感じます* 餅とみかんは、冬の代名詞ですからね~。 毎年、箱買い、大人買い~。
 その頃、私は、定期演奏会にお邪魔してきました!みんな上手♪♪1年でこんなに上達できるんだな~とびっくりしました(☆0☆)!それと同時に、1年の重さも何となく感じてみたり。。辞めるっていう私の選択は合ってたのかな・・と。自信ないな~。選択自体に良し悪しは無いと信じたいです。結果次第。=これからの自分次第。ということで、やる気いただきました( ' ^')0"

At that time I went to the concert of the guitar club which I belonged to. Their performances were pretty good and I was surprised their rapid improvement of guitars' skill. Their improvement made me happy and also realized me how long one year is. I quit the guitar club one year ago because I wanted to concentrate on preparing for studying abroad. But, now, I don't have confidence with whether this my decision was right or not . If I continue playing the guitar as a member of this club , I would get memory with them. But!!I want to believe there were no right decisions at that time. I hope my effort from now on can proves that my decision isn't wrong. I could get motivation for studying English by seeing friends do their best!