
墨尔本 Melbourne 1st day

I broke up for the my holidays~~ So, 我,去了墨尔本with 中国人的女孩子和韩国人的男孩子. 我们都是 exchange students in 悉尼工科大学.
Why do I use Chinese ?Because I joined the Chinese tour to ~. It was a really fun trip fulled with precious experiences!!

The meeting time was supposed to be 6:55. and!the time I woke up was 6:30... namely, I overslept on that particular day. Oh my God.... I set about preparing for leaving my house just after I wake up. All I did was calling the taxi company, changing my cloth, calling my friend , chatting with the taxi driver, and arriving at the last bus stop 5 min before the bus came. I bet there was no one wrong move in that morning. Instead of the Central st( the second last bus stop), my tour started from Strathfield st which was the last pick up point (Or rather,maybe, my tour started from my house by taxi.lol ) 对不起。我来晚了。Anyway, I could make it in the end, so I was still lucky, wasn't I?That's for the lesson:have a go in any case!!

The first day's plan was ...heading to Melbourne by bus. In other word, staying on the bus for 12 h!! As somebody says 'getting there is half their fun', it was fun !!

For one thing, It was surprising(and a bit strange) for me to see the tour guide used two languages even though all of tourists(except us) had the same nationality, Chinese. Tour guide spoke in Mandarin and Cantonese( and English). Actually, I already know there are countless Chinese dialects,but,I realize knowing is different from seeing in real.

On the bus, we watched some movies. The first one was Mr bean. The second one was a Chinese movie..It was helpful to brush up my Chinese language more or less. The last one was a Korean movie with Chinese subtitle..Oh my God again..no idea..but, I dared try to read Chinese. I haven't the foggiest idea what they said. I tried a few more times, in vain..No less, languages make any sense at all.. So, my Chinese friend became a translator for me.The lesson I learned from this time is that language is important!!

On the way to Melbourne, I could see spectacular landscape from a window. There was nothing special. So boring? No, Quite the reverse. The thing which fascinated me so much was that huge land with nothing but green and sky. Pure beauty~~.I could feel the wonders of nature.Mmm,,,,I don't know what to say to express them. They can be said fabulous ,fascinating, amazing, fantastic,awesome or someting..Just i can say I'm sooooo in.
At night, we explored in Melbourne. It was great fun walking in new places. The first destination was Melbourne university. Each building had names of faculties on them,but most of them were out of my vocabulary..But!! both of my friends knew such unsurvival English words. How come they have capacity to remember these kinds of stuff. It was a really right decision I changed the battery of my electronic dictionary before this trip.

One word I could guess was 'zoology'. then we saw an adorable animal passing in right front of us. Where did it come from..?
It will be better not to dare guess in this time.lol

We found dormitories of Melbourne uni as well. And 20 min later, we also ound ourselves be locked in... It seemed we entered the closing gate luckily or unluckily after somebody entered with their stu card. It was an automatic gate even though we didn't have no such idea. Oh my God, again...We ended up in asking the student in there to open the gate for us..So embarrassing..

While we were taking a walk, I realized I didn't sneeze so much, even though I already got hey fever in Sydney. I guess even though summer is coming in Melbourne, it wasn't completely there yet contrary to Sydney where summer is right here. That made me realize again Australia is so big!!


( ~o)>zzZ ♪(^o^*)

Good morning, Good morning, Good morning(^^)! My days always start with this greeting… Everyone replies me “Good morning!” with big smiles(^^)☆☆….

This is the beginning of my speech (language has power だったかな)in a speech contest when I was a junior high school student~ But, I have to confess that…my days didn’t start with “Good morning” at that days unlike my life expressed in my speech ..(>M<;) Actually, I didn’t greet neighborhood in Japan so much ,because my primary school teachers told me not to greet to strangers to avoid being involved in something bad things like kidnap…世知辛い世の中だこと。。

でも!! That speech’s situation came true in Australia. At my suburb, it seems to be a quite natural thing to greet strangers. And everybody replies “Hi!” to me without wondering why I greet them, even if we don’t know each other at all. Mmm, it was pretty surprising for me when I came here first.つまり、平和。

I know residents who live next door to me(お隣さん), residents who live next door of next door(お隣のお隣さん), residents who live opposite to mine(お向かいさん), residents who live diagonal to me(斜め向かいの方), the nearest train station’s & the nearest bus stop’s staff members. This is the exactly one of things which makes me keep to such an inconvenient place. I mean such a peaceful and kindly atmosphere of my place attracts me a lot.まさに、サザエさんのアニメ状態です。

“ May I help you?” From this word, even today, I enjoyed keep talking, talking ,talking with a lady who was struggled with a heavy bag. (She was just a passing stranger for me.) 一期一会。I like her smile^^

The town I live in now definitely will be my second ふるさと~


When shared, joy is doubled and sorrow halved.

Since I stayed with my host family, I saw 5 housemates off. Out of five, the longest-stay and the last house mate was a Korean girl. We stayed together for about 5 months. From the first day, we chatted a lot. I still remember that the first word which we learned together was 'naughty' from the book, peter rabit. Nostalgia~~ From later on, most of every day, we had dinner together as chatting so that we knew each other’s schedule and friends nearly perfectly ,as if we are each others’ mother. Needless to say, she also knows how ugly my face is in the morning and how messy my room is~.lol

I often said I like her~~♡to my friends. I bet my friends are already sick of this phrase.. But, actually, I guess “respect” can express my feeling more precisely than “like”. She has more life experiences than me, so I was exposed to new idea. I could learn great deal from her for the last 5 months.

I wanted to share every single news with her, because I could tell she enjoyed vicarious pleasure though me whenever I shared my happy news with her. I miss her ‘Oh my god’ when I said sad news or my hard luck. I can’t measure how much I depended on her deliberate thinking and advice.

I found us talking really naturally in English. I could feel as comfortable as the time when I speak Japanese. Obviously, one of the biggest reasons for it is.. she got used to Japanese English though(><;)!!

Whenever I see the single teeth holder on the mirror where used to be two teeth holders next to each other...I miss her... I wish she were a man(*U-U*) haha Whenever she is in trouble, I’ll come running~