
( ~o)>zzZ ♪(^o^*)

Good morning, Good morning, Good morning(^^)! My days always start with this greeting… Everyone replies me “Good morning!” with big smiles(^^)☆☆….

This is the beginning of my speech (language has power だったかな)in a speech contest when I was a junior high school student~ But, I have to confess that…my days didn’t start with “Good morning” at that days unlike my life expressed in my speech ..(>M<;) Actually, I didn’t greet neighborhood in Japan so much ,because my primary school teachers told me not to greet to strangers to avoid being involved in something bad things like kidnap…世知辛い世の中だこと。。

でも!! That speech’s situation came true in Australia. At my suburb, it seems to be a quite natural thing to greet strangers. And everybody replies “Hi!” to me without wondering why I greet them, even if we don’t know each other at all. Mmm, it was pretty surprising for me when I came here first.つまり、平和。

I know residents who live next door to me(お隣さん), residents who live next door of next door(お隣のお隣さん), residents who live opposite to mine(お向かいさん), residents who live diagonal to me(斜め向かいの方), the nearest train station’s & the nearest bus stop’s staff members. This is the exactly one of things which makes me keep to such an inconvenient place. I mean such a peaceful and kindly atmosphere of my place attracts me a lot.まさに、サザエさんのアニメ状態です。

“ May I help you?” From this word, even today, I enjoyed keep talking, talking ,talking with a lady who was struggled with a heavy bag. (She was just a passing stranger for me.) 一期一会。I like her smile^^

The town I live in now definitely will be my second ふるさと~

4 件のコメント:

renidentia991 さんのコメント...

Good morning!?
じゃあさ、greeting neighbors こそ the way to avoid being involved in a kidnap だね??

and... I hope I'm patient.v(>_<;

Kanako さんのコメント...


Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

Sometimes I really miss that warm feeling that you refer to in this post. I miss the casual greetings of strangers that are so common in the USA. I miss the casual conversations in coffee shop, at bus stops, and in stores.
I must admit that reading this post made me a little homesick...

Kanako さんのコメント...

Mr. Henneberry
When I just came here, I was soooo surprised that a stranger spoke to me on the bus so naturally as if we know each other long time ago.
But, it seems to be not only cultural difference but also region difference. If I greet stranger in city( even though Australia), they will think I am a dangerous person...