
My tummy is upset...

というphraseを学びました。。なぜなら、、、まさにそういう状態だから。。。Australiaで初☆というより、、何年ぶり!?くらいの体調不良。。ん~(。。;)朝から、雲行きは怪しかったんだけど、、お腹の空き過ぎで痛いのかな?ということにして、めいいっぱいcerealを食べて、、気づいたことは、、空腹のせいじゃないということ。。あんだけcerealを食べといて"I have a stomachache..I will go to bed..'って言うのが、どんだけ気まずかったかっていうね。。
うつされ、うつして、うつして、治ってのcycle○に、3月頃、家族全員が参加していた中で、一人、円の外にいて。。さすが皆勤賞!と油断していたのがいけないんですね。昨日、「次女→私」、ついにcycle に飛び入り参加です。。
I am OK, but I just have a stomachache。という朝の状態から、I am not so goodと言わざる負えない状態で帰宅。今日のDinnerのpastaおいしそうだったなぁ。。"Can you eat dinner?" "No ..Sorry." "Do you want to eat miso soup?" "..!?" 日本料理ってお腹に優しいんだなぁとちょっと感じつつ、’Take it easy'ってこういう時にも使えるんだ~と感動しつつ、早めの就寝。 
今日は、布団に入ってから、30分以上意識があったという、人生何度目かの貴重な日でした。そして、バイブの音で12時に起床。知らないnumberだなぁ~と思いつつ、2回かかってきていたので、かけなおしてみたところ、、'Did you call me?' ! "No" うっそぉ。。いや、かけてますよ~。と主張するenergyとvocabularyとreasonsがなかったので"Wrong number"ってことで解決。体調が悪化してることに気づいてしまってから、、もう寝れなくなってしまって。しんどい~。。私のroomはdetached roomなので、 main house(?)に行くには一回、shoesをはいてbackyardにでなきゃいけなくて、、でも今日は、悲しいかなrainy dayで。。このdouble attacksは痛い。。う~。吐かないように、という考えから、これはいっそのこと吐いてしまったほうが、楽になるんじゃないかという考えにchangeして、、try。背中を擦ってくれる人がいない辛さをひしひしと感じただけだっだんですけど。。
 ルー大柴さんになりつつあります。ルー語+Englishならまだしも、悲しいかな、vice versa.. ところで、ルーさんは、芸能界からfade-outしそうな芸能人No1に、ある雑誌でなってた気がしたけど、,まだ、芸能界にいらっしゃるのでしょうか。。。。



I have some blogs which I sometimes check in order to.. copy and paste ideas~lol(><)) One of blogs is the group brog named edc University students in Japan (Shizuoka to be exact) are creating one English blog for their study and fun. (At fast, I also started this blog from one group blog as a part of one English class in my home university with my English teacher's big, big help. )

I found one post appealed very much to me . One student wrote about Penguin Readers( books for learners who study English as not native language) She wrote about the book titiled "Women in Business"writrten about five women who made success in Business, and this book is the exact book I read in Japan. And her favorite section is Anita Roddick. Mee too~~. (Anita Roddick is the president of the world wide famous shop, The body shop~!!). As a big fan of penguin Readers, I think I have to leave comments or rather, I can't help saying something( >▽)o"

The Penguin book which I read recently is Frozen Pizza and other slices of life. This book has 8 stories. My favorite part is "Frozen Pizza" ,which is the story of one man who lives with a host family which has children like me. But, to be different from me, he ,immediately, found his host family strange..

I found the following sentences in the book:

The house was surprisingly tidy for a family with children.

Mmm, it is surely strange situation as a house of families with children, because...the house should be messy, because children are too ingenious of making houses messy for parents to fix a mess.lol

They didn't meet up for dinner.

He had never thought much about food before. But, he realized how much the food was part of home life.

My host family usually eats dinner around 6o'clock. So, most weekdays, i can't join their dinner table. In such a day, I feel a kind of feeling that I miss some important part of a day..

Food is pretty important!! It is an essential part of my life~~ The kitchen is the center of the family( ^^)人(^^ ). Thanks to living in Australia, I made up my mind that I give my mind to family time more after I come back to Japan instead of being rush than I was in Japan


What is the habit of sayin' of Snow White..?

 Though I already came back to my house, my host family stilll camp~, so there are no persons in my house now(; ..) My house is too quite and big to live alone , poor me.. Meanwhile my host family enjoy camp at the beach, I did nothin' special except watchin' the movie" Snow White" three times at my house.. lol What a lazy person I am..( --)/(' ' ;) Maybe, I start to forget how to live without 'em. And I miss my host mother's favorite word "Oh dear". I 'm anxious to see my hostfamily~~. Saterday night!! Please come early for me~~( >人<)!
By the way, thanks to watchin' the movie with my full attention, I could get comprehensive understanding about Snow White( >▽)o" I am all ready to answer questions about Snow White~~.lol
On the first time, I was in for a shockin' surprise and the movie stuck me speechless for a while. And I began to wonder if Snow White is good for kids.. And while I watched the movie on the second time, slowly but surely, I was certain that Snow White ain't appropriate for kids ,especially in terms of kids education, unfortunately ...I could find the words such as: I will kill it dead , Druft will bury snow white alive.. Oh, My!
Apparently, Snow White is pure..But,But, But!? The first word she said when she found the cute house of dwarfs was that"Guess there're no one in the house" My goodness. I did't want to know that she is a sort of person who can enter other's home without permission.. I bet I have to check to lock the door carefully now not to let people like her enter my house. lol (Suprisingly, at the precise time when I was thinkin' about that one kitten came suddenly from nowhere into my backyard. Jiminy Criket~>< Perhaps, I have to check the fence as well when I leave home..)
Anyway, at the third time, I tried to all hear exactly what they said and I could find well-phrase in the movie. Snow White is probably fit for my English education! I think(I hope?)I could get a good takin'-note skill a little bit. Snow White might become my well-beloved movie.


The report about the camp( 家族編)

お父さん:My host father, who is often cool, seemed to step back to his boyhood with other fathers during the camp. He became as eager and excited as a young boy. Fathers had a long talk especially about fishing and swimming.

子どもたち:Children can be good examples to other children. (Maybe, parents can be a good example to other parents as well. )My host family goes to camp at least once a year. So, children can take animals for granted like air we breathe. It's good for them~~.

お母さん:Interestingly, mothers' habits of saying look quite similar. My host mother's favorite word is lively. But, I noticed that other mothers often use lively as well. Indeed, their ways of bringing up their kids also similar. I heard the words " That's one" double or triple times . This is the my host parents' way of counting children's mischief and bad behaviors . If three comes, children have to go to room(at that time, they had to go to the tent.lol).



My whole of host family ( 1 year-old youngest sister also went to camp..) camped out at the Merry beach with other two families for a week and I joined camping during two days. I spent quite relaxed days there .But, just relaxed..? Certainly not! Everything was so precious ,wonderful and marvelous for me~.

In the morning, I was awakened by the sound of waves. After enjoying breakfast with a cup of rich smell coffee, I feed adorable lorikeets with kids。(lorikeets are very colorful Australian birds. ) All children's eyes were shining with excitement as holding feed in their two hands. I enjoyed no less than kids ( ><)! Lorikeets perched on my hand and munch through feed~~.Cute~~. I also took a walk as looking sideways at wild Kangaroos(In Australia, there is an island named Kangaroo island. I wanna let people who will go there know we can see kangaroos for one meter around me in NSW lol. ) I wouldn't dream of that I take such a close look at kangaroos without cages. In the afternoon, I swam(floated?) in the sea with my girlfriend, afterwards, I walked on the rocks as seeing magnificent sea view right ahead me~~ and sat down on the rock for a while with nothing special to do.. but!? of course, everything was special~~. It was a lovely sight and just like a postcard.
At night, I went to the possum hunting with kids who tried to find possums with anxious eyes. After the bedtime for kids, adults enjoyed drinking around a campfire. The weather turned very cold though, the place around us was happy sung ~~. Over our head,we could see stars which seemed to touch on the earth. Fantastic!! The one thing that I might remember more than anything else was the moon. Sometimes, the moon covered with cloud and the cloud around the moon turned pale purple. Just imagine that!! It was a magic moment, wasn't it?



My recent small hobby is Shiritori in English~~. My girlfriend often do Shiritori with me especially on the train. So, I guess other passengers will feel irritate with our overslow Shiritori or they will withhold their laughter .. Sorry~~.
In Japanese Shiritori, the person who say a word which finishs "N" lose. But, how about English Shiritori is...? At first, we draged Shiritori without thinking nothing special but, through practicing Shiritori several times, we gradually realized that "X" in English Shiritori eaquals to "N" in Japanese Shiritori. Besides, a word which finish "E" is effective words, because there are a lot of words which finish "E" in English. Unless we know many vocabrualy , it is difficult to find words quickly which starts "E" many times. Eager, Eagerly, Eagerness..If I can master wide variety of the adverb, the adjective, the noun, the verb etc.. I will be a proffesional of Shiritori!
But, doing Shiritori is a little bit anoying for us, because we can't do it unless we bring our electric dictionaries. Shiritori looks like an aural spelling test for us.lol
 最近、はまっているのが、英語しりとり。友達が、親切にも、ちょくちょく相手をしてくれます。特に、電車の中で。たぶん、他の乗客は超スローのしりとりにいらいらしてるか、または、笑いを堪えてるんじゃないかなと思います。。ごめんなさい..m(_ _)m
 日本語の場合、”ん” で終わる言葉を言った人が負けなのですが、、じゃぁ、英語は、、?エンドレスじゃんね~と言いながら、始めは、だらだら続けていたのですが、、だんだん、コツをつかんで来るにつれて、"X"が、たぶん、"ん”の役割を果たすんじゃないかなということに気付きました!!さらに言うと、"E"終わる単語が、厄介。。"E"で終わる単語が、思った以上にわんさかあって。驚きです(。。;)eagar, eagarly, eagerness..これは、もう、とにかく、沢山の品詞を覚えたもん勝ちですねo('^' )