In the morning, I was awakened by the sound of waves. After enjoying breakfast with a cup of rich smell coffee, I feed adorable lorikeets with kids。(lorikeets are very colorful Australian birds. ) All children's eyes were shining with excitement as holding feed in their two hands. I enjoyed no less than kids ( ><)! Lorikeets perched on my hand and munch through feed~~.Cute~~. I also took a walk as looking sid
At night, I went to the possum hunting with kids who tried to find possums with anxious eyes. After the bedtime for kids, adults enjoyed drinking around a campfire. The weather turned very cold though, the place around us was happy sung ~~. Over our head,we could see stars which seemed to touch on the earth. Fantastic!! The one thing that I might remember more than anything else was the moon. Sometimes, the moon covered with cloud and the cloud around the moon turned pale purple. Just imagine that!! It was a magic moment, wasn't it?
4 件のコメント:
your english isnt bad at all!!
in fact I really enjoy your writing style kanako~! It has much more flair than i could ever write with :D~
keep writing and i'll be an enthusiastic reader :D
I am so glad to meet you here~. Thank you for your comment. Someday, I wanna be able to write my diary with my own color~~. I try to put as much effort in as i can with your comment in my mind~~. Thanks again!
I am so jealous... We used to go camping every summer when we lived in Shimane, but we have not been camping in a long time. :^( When we did go camping, we did not enjoy the birds as much as you did, as we had to watch out for kites (トンボ)who would swoop down and steal our food!
Maybe I will try to plan a camping trip this summer... Thanks for reminding me!
To henneberry sensei
I'm envy your children, because they had precious experiences and they will have again. I hope you have enough time to set aside for camp( ><)=(>< !) By the way, please say hello to your wife m(_ _)m (I still remember the day we ate dinner at Gasto before I left Japan.)