

My recent small hobby is Shiritori in English~~. My girlfriend often do Shiritori with me especially on the train. So, I guess other passengers will feel irritate with our overslow Shiritori or they will withhold their laughter .. Sorry~~.
In Japanese Shiritori, the person who say a word which finishs "N" lose. But, how about English Shiritori is...? At first, we draged Shiritori without thinking nothing special but, through practicing Shiritori several times, we gradually realized that "X" in English Shiritori eaquals to "N" in Japanese Shiritori. Besides, a word which finish "E" is effective words, because there are a lot of words which finish "E" in English. Unless we know many vocabrualy , it is difficult to find words quickly which starts "E" many times. Eager, Eagerly, Eagerness..If I can master wide variety of the adverb, the adjective, the noun, the verb etc.. I will be a proffesional of Shiritori!
But, doing Shiritori is a little bit anoying for us, because we can't do it unless we bring our electric dictionaries. Shiritori looks like an aural spelling test for us.lol
 最近、はまっているのが、英語しりとり。友達が、親切にも、ちょくちょく相手をしてくれます。特に、電車の中で。たぶん、他の乗客は超スローのしりとりにいらいらしてるか、または、笑いを堪えてるんじゃないかなと思います。。ごめんなさい..m(_ _)m
 日本語の場合、”ん” で終わる言葉を言った人が負けなのですが、、じゃぁ、英語は、、?エンドレスじゃんね~と言いながら、始めは、だらだら続けていたのですが、、だんだん、コツをつかんで来るにつれて、"X"が、たぶん、"ん”の役割を果たすんじゃないかなということに気付きました!!さらに言うと、"E"終わる単語が、厄介。。"E"で終わる単語が、思った以上にわんさかあって。驚きです(。。;)eagar, eagarly, eagerness..これは、もう、とにかく、沢山の品詞を覚えたもん勝ちですねo('^' )

4 件のコメント:

renidentia991 さんのコメント...


Kanako さんのコメント...


Stella Orientis さんのコメント...

Elephant, trade, elevator, rhinoceros, silver, rectangle, England, dinosaur, red, dream, metaphor, rigid, dilapidated, drip, pine, entomology, yore, essential, late, elementary, yokel, livid, drape, entice, embrace, entrance, ensign, note, encore, ebb, bore, error, road, drive...

This is a fun game!


Kanako さんのコメント...

Let's do this game in Japanese ne!? lol