Every Thursday, we,new students, have a kind of party at our university. In this party, we chat to our friends as drinking a cup(glass) of drink for a discounted price, less than $1 . This is a good oppotunity for me to make new friends. In fact,thanks to this party, I got some charming friends. I like chatting! I love drinking coffee! I want to make friends! So, this party is soooo atractive for me:)
Basically, this pary is held for meeting own buddy regularly(maybe..). My buddy is a Chinese experienced boy. Probably, our first convasation's topic was about homesick somehow.lol When we talked about the word ,"homesick ", he gave a difinition of this word as" a feeling of a kind of tiredness."I'm very pleased with this original difinition,because I think his difinition is quite right rather than a general difinition. Furthermore,I'm also intrested in his way of speaking which looks like that of Japanese. He often uses phrases," looks like~" or"seems to~". I am a person who tend to avoid to speak in an assertive tone as well. So, I like such a way of speaking(Japanese way of speaking?)
Above all, his most attractive points for me is... to have amasing ears to catch my poor Japanese accent. lol. Good( >▽)o"
Namely,my buddy is beyound prise. (It's a bit much.lol ?)So ,he draws everybody. In fact, he is often said that he is a buddy for everyone( ^^)(^^ )= I am good at finding attractive persons!?
毎週木曜日に、New studentのために、ちょっとしたパーティみたいなものがあります。コーヒー等々をのみながら、友達とおしゃべりするという感じの会です。しかも、飲み物は全部$1以下。安っ(☆o☆)! このパーティーは、友達作りをするのに、本当に良い環境です。実際、この会を通して、本当に素敵な友達にたくさん出会いました。しゃべるの好きで、コーヒー好きで、友達100人出来るかな~♪な私には、本当に、本当に、素敵過ぎる会です( o>▽)o!!
基本的なコンセプトは、Buddyに定期的に会うこと、たぶん。私のBuddyは、中国人の学生。その子の考え方(?)が、なかなか面白い!初っ端の会話のテーマが、確か、なぜか、"ホームシック"についてだったような。彼の定義によると、ホームシックは”ちょっと疲れちゃったかなぁ~って感じ"とのこと。お~。と感銘を受けました(笑)確かに!辞書的な意味より、言葉の芯を言い当ててる気がする!、、のは私だけかな(' ';)?
4 件のコメント:
My favorite is Iced Chocolate!!haha~
My buddy is everyone's buddy as well. I'm really happy to have such a wonderful and cuuute buddy!!
I like your buddy, too! Especially..MOCHA..lol
yeah, your buddy is also my buddy, isn't she?^^ Mocha is one of my favorite words~~lol