
No news is good news~便りがないのは良い知らせ~

Today, I got a call from my mother from Japan to Australia, my cell phone to be exact.
Mother: ...
Me: Hi!
Mother: ...
Me: Hi?
Mother: ...Kanako?
Me: ...!?
I really felt ashamed that I spoke to English to my mother....
But, I hope my mother could understand I am fine:)

6 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Dont worry about it lol i talk english to my dad on the phone but when i talk to him face to face i speak thai so dont worry lol

Kanako さんのコメント...

Why are you carefulin your choice of languages according to circumstances?

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

When my mother started calling me here in Japan, and I answered the phone "moshi moshi", she always panicked. I now answer the phone at home by saying "moshi moshi, Hello?", just in case it is someone from America.
Cute story. ;^)

Kanako さんのコメント...

to Mr. Henneberry
How ya doing? Did you finish your study as a student?
Mmm..if i answer the call by saying" hello, moshi moshi", probably my friends reply "Pardon?" unless I familialize moshi moshi to my friends ..

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

I am still studying... I am in my fourth of six semesters now, so I still have over a year to go... At least the material is quite interesting, so it is not as difficult to get through.

As to "moshi moshi, Hello?", try it. I bet that most English speakers who call you will not even notice. ;^)

Kanako さんのコメント...

So..what should I say..? lol