
Good fences make good neighbors.

 My friend tried to find new host family, so,recently, I followed her to meet several host families . I already decided to stay longer with my current host family, so if I had come to Australia alone, I guess I would have had no such an opportunity. I want to say thanks to my friend to give me such a precious experience. Even though finding host family might be easier for Japanese especially Japanese girls rather than others, it does not mean that it is a piece of cake for my friend. I could see she spent a lot of time to find new family these days. She could do nothing except finding host family recently,because meeting people needs time,money and energy. I respect her becouse she handled with this big task by herself in this unfamiliar country. If I were her, I could not do same thing as her:( I bet she will be much stronger thanks to this experience. Interestingly, her impression of host families and mine were sometimes different even though we shared exactly the same time. It proves our point of views are different. Mmm, so interesting.
Finally my friend decided a family who lives next to me. her new host mother is my host mother's friend and sometimes comes and sees my host family. My friend already met this host mother at a sushi party which we held the other day at my house. Since I said to my host mother about my friend's situation, my host mother really worried about my friend and tried to find a person who can accept my friend. My host grandmother also worried about my friend and proposed my friend to live with her in case my friend can't find good host family. I touched a lot of heartfelt kindness through finding new host family. Thanks to this experience, I became a best fan of my host family,now.
Anyway, I hope my friend enjoy new life as my neighbor!!

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