I went to Mardi Gras with my friends.This parade is known as Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras. I had no idea about this parade even though this festival seemed to be pretty famous. So, I asked about this parade to a few persons.
According to my host father:
one time is enough to go.
According to my host mother:
too sexy for children(In her opinion, this parade is for over 18 .)
According to my teacher:
Great! Don't miss it!
Mmm...what should I do? Of couse, my solution was... to go! Becouse this time is the first time and will be the last time for me.
The place was so jammed...but, party(parade?) atmosphere let me smile and, made me overexcited o(^-^o )=(o ^-^)o .It also gave me gave me a chance to think impotant thing in our lives.
Mardi Gras make me realize what a small thing which I stick at was. I think such a festival is very effective to change people's image rather than surface lows or formal meetings.
I already know there are many kinds of persons in the world. When it becomes my own theory, I can be a real multicultural person.
世界には、いろんな人がいて、いろんな考えを持った人がいて、分かってはいるつもりなんだけど、まだ、今一、自分のものに出来ていない感があります。。ん~、本当に、心から色んなものを受け入れられた時、きっとmulticultural personになれるのだと思います♪
2 件のコメント:
LOL i hope you enjoy Mardi Gras some of my brother friends was the float but i couldnt get a chance to see them lol
I saw some floats. Maybe, I saw your acquaintances at that day!!