日本発の日が決まりました!! 2月7日☆ そろそろ、本腰を入れて準備に取り掛からないと、出発できないんじゃないかと思います。12月に水着を探すのは、無謀ですね。。留学の準備のひとつとして水着を掘り起こしました。と言っても、母の若き頃のもの。一応、セパレート!母の時代にも、セパレートはあったんだ~(笑)海の無い県しか住んだことないので⇒、水着(スクール水着以外)には縁遠かったので⇒いや~新鮮。時代はめぐるというようにファッションの流行りもめぐるらしい。Aラインも前に流行ったことがあるみたいだし、頷ける部分もあるのかな。ということで母の水着には、オーストラリアまでお供してもらう予定です。
I decide the day I leave Japan. February 7th. I think I have to get down to prepare for studying abroad soon. Now is summer in Australia, so I need swim wear to study in Australia. I realized that it is difficult to buy swim wear at shops in December... . So, my mother and me hunted for swim wear in our house and found mother's swim wear which my mother used when she was a student. This swim wear is good for me even though it was made a long time ago. I heard fashion itself returns. In fact,some part of modern fashions for young people in Japan came into fashion when mother's generation was young. Anyway, I am going to take this swim wear to Australia with me!
6 件のコメント:
hi! wataru comes.
When old styles become fashionable again we call them "retro". So it sounds like you have a nice retro bathing suit picked out for your trip...
Welcome to my blog m(_ _)m I'm happy to "see" you here.ところで、飲みって、留学生との飲み会?どうだった?みんな飲めるでしょ~(☆0☆)!飲みすぎないようにね。
Now,I know レトロ comes from English!
The word "retro" is a useful word, I think, because I can explain the phenomenon by only "one" word instead of occupying more than 2 lines. Thanks a lot(^^)♪
Thank u for telling me about 飲み会。
It was a pleasant time.
They drank so much! Nevertheless they were not drunken!! I can't imagine how much beer is need to make them drunken...
And they poured beer into my glass as soon as it became empty.
cya!( ' - ' )/
I can easily to imagine that you tried to follow their speed of drinking and gave up..( ' ';) Anyway, I am happy you could enjoy the drinking party. I want to join the party next time!
I will set aside on any day for the drinking party, because next drinking party will be a farewell party for some exchange students...