2ヶ月強越しの思いをついに実現させて・・・という程でもないけど・・・やっと見ました。「しゃべれどもしゃべれども」。宣伝通り、落語中心の内容。主役の国分さんもさる事ながら、森永悠季君だったかな。ツボです♪関西弁ってだけで、私的には・・ツボです(*^^*) 適役!!彼のためにこの役がある!と言っても良いのではないかと思います。彼自身が役のキャラにスポッと納まってる感じ。まさに”スポッ”って感じでした。本物はどんな性格なのかな。役の感じのままでいて欲しい~と期待してしまうのは、視聴者のわがままなんだろうけど。。。何となく、さんまのからくりテレビに出て欲しい(笑)香里菜さんだったかな。泣き方が“美”。泣こうと思えば、あんなに綺麗に泣けるものなのだな~と、内容とは違うとこで関心してしまいました。寝相やら、泣き方やらは自分の支配の範囲外だと思っていたけど、、、そうでもないのかな(’’?)頑張る価値はある・・・のかもしれないですね。
I watched DVD named "Syaberedomo-Syaberedomo" I had been looking forward to appearing this movie as DVD for about 2 months. This movie mainly deals with comic storytelling(らくご). Of course, I like main cast, Kubub Taichi. But, one of sub casts, Morinaga Yuki, fixed my attention more. I can easily "guess" his own character "completely" suits his part in this movie even though I don't know whether my guess is really right or not. If possible,in his real life,I want him to be as the same character as the part not to fail to meet my expectations for him. I was also attracted by the scene that another sub cast , Karina cried. She wept bitter tears. I surprised the fact she was still beautiful even when she cried.
3 件のコメント:
"She wept bitter tears. I was surprised by the fact that she was still beautiful even when she cried."
What a beautiful observation! I will have to rent that movie and watch it myself. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your checking my mistakes m(_ _)m Thanks to your presentation class,I can enjoy continuing write blogs. My main concern now is whether I can write drafts which other people can understand what I want to say without your check... I hope someday I can write perfect sentences without depending on you and spell checker software(?).
I still depend on spellcheck software to write "perfect sentences", so don't worry about that! This is a "study blog", so don't worry about your mistakes. You will get better with practice. You are doing great so far!