

 成人式の前撮りをしました~☆★着物は黒。仕上がりは、、悪く言えば、”もはや私ではない。。 ”よく言えば、"私じゃないみたい♪” ファンデーション塗るときに、絵の具を塗られる画用紙の気持ちを垣間見れた気がしました(☆o☆)!!でも、人にお化粧をしてもらうのは、面白い☆文字通りまさに、けるおい。いつもは、考えもしないようなアイシャドーの色をチョイスされたり、口紅塗ってみたり。新鮮だゎ!!
 I took pictures with dressing in a traditional piece of Japanese clothing like long coat,kimono. That pictures are so-so showing, I think. If I say positively I could photographed like a woman not a girl thanks to wear kimono. If I say negatively, I looked like...
Stuff members in a photo studio dressed me , makeup me and tie my hair up. They selected the different colors as eye shadow and lip rouge from the colors I always select. I was surprised how I could changed only by changing colors. I think that pictures will remind me of my twenties when I see them for a long time later.

1 件のコメント:

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

Do we get to see the pictures?