
Money Talks

つまり990万とかってことになるのかな。私の計算合ってるのか!?と疑いたくなる数字です。凄いな~。異世界。写真の下に、”自分の著作の本の印税も収入の足しになるみたいなことが書いてありました。大学の授業で自分の本を教材にしてる先生もちらほらいるのはこのせいなのかな。BOOK OFFに売りたい本のリストが簡単に出来そうで困ります(><)
 I spotted the article "Excuse Me Professor, How Much Do you Earn?"in VOA Special English. This title absolutely fascinated me. According to this article, the average salary for full professors , associate professors and assistant professors is $99000,$70000 and $59000 respectively. These numbers are too big to belive for me. I think they live in another world. Indeed, one of professors said that "Money from the sale of books written by professors can add to their salaries." I can easily convince that comment because same professors in my university use books written by themselves as texts. That helps their live, I guess. That gives me a troublesome task to make a list to buy these books after the semester...

4 件のコメント:

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

Thanks for the tips! Maybe next year I will publish a book and make you all buy it for my classes!

Kanako さんのコメント...

No problem for me if you compel your students to buy your book. because I won't be Japan next semester~( >o)o"

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...


Kanako さんのコメント...
