って、Trivia 風に言ってみても、、実際は、Common sense なんだろうな。。
Today, in Kumon(my working place),one of students who studies Japanese came and asked me a question. The task was filling a blank of the following sentence.
The answer should be Minami(南)
Can you read this sentence?
Did you already learn how to write each direction in Kanji?
Do you remember how to write them?
??? So, what is the problem?
つまり、,this is not a language problem, 強いて言えば、Science problemかな。
This Thursday, I had a class test in my phonology class.The task was basically translating sentences from English(ABC) to phonemic symbols.
One of questions was who I want to win in an American election(family name& first name)?
The only person I could remember at that time was Obama氏.
しかし!!What is his given name?
I asked my teacher whether it was Ok to create a candidate's name as I like or not like 山田太郎さん。
The answer was ...No.
え~~。Isn't this class a phonology class??テストに、オバマ氏が絡んでくるとは、予想外。。。
1 件のコメント:
You are also falling into the science problem.(@v@;
In AU, the sun should be seen in the northern sky.
So, I think that's why she(he?) couldn't answer the question.