






There is no royal road to learning.

 母校で模試監督してきました。これもバイト。高校は、もはや異世界。場違いなとこにきてしまった感覚です。3歳差がこんなに大きいとゎ。。。そうそう、半ズボンの体育着のことハーパンって言ってたゎ。土日は教科書持ち帰んきゃなんだよね。そうだ、一番手前のトイレのドア、閉まりづらいんだった。等々、懐かし過ぎる!トイレで見つけたポスターも手書きの可愛らしいものでした。大学のは、パソコンの無機質な文字で、“トイレットペーパーは持ち帰らないで下さい。”だったような。夢がないですよね。夢が。 このバイトは、お昼付き。これが、ゴージャスなのです。なんと、真昼間にも関わらず(?)お寿司出てきました。遠慮なく、ごちにならせてもらいます~~(笑)
 I went to my home high school to work. I helped teachers as a supervision. Most of Japanese high school take place practice examinations in weekend. That means not only students but also teachers have to come to school to oversee students. Some teachers play the family-centered person in weekend. So, if there is any understaffed day in practice examination day, I go to help to occupy the lack. This job includes lunch and that lunch is pretty good for normal university student like me. Today, I was treated to sushi!!  I was fortunate in having such a good lunch!!
 Many things reminded me of my good high school days. I strongly realized how long two years are. I found quite a handwriting poster in a washroom. There are also posters in university, but they typed by computer and said "Don't take toilet paper home." ...
Test itself recalled bitter experiences to me. I am absent-minded. At one time, I made mistakes the mark to black out at a computer-graded test and got 7 points. I also made many mistakes through my high school days..But,for now, these experiences also precious memories for me.


Love is blind.

おいしいコーヒーの入れ方 シリーズ ★★★☆☆
THE恋愛小説(笑)ストーリーの90%が恋愛で占められています。にも関わらず、恋愛一本で→ここまで冊数が増えちゃうのは、歩みが相当のろいストーリー展開のおかげ(笑)1冊飛ばしても気づかないんじゃないか的な勢いです。ピュア,キザ、喫茶店。私的、恋愛小説3要素、揃ってますね。読者が期待する恋愛小説の型に、気持ちがよいほど、ぴたっとはまってくれる連載です。女の作者さんが、男の子の立場に立って書くと、女々しい感じになるので、私、個人的には、あまり好きではない、、、と言いつつ、あれよあれよという間に、シリーズ読破。なんででしょ…? ほぼすべてのキャラクターが、愛し、愛され、振り、振られ、何かしらの恋愛に絡んでます。主人公、勝利(かつとし)の思考の中で、彼の思い人、かれん以外の脇役達の登場回数は、同情に値しますが。それでも、こってこての恋愛のオンパレード。胃もたれ覚悟(笑)コーヒー片手に、ゆっくり、じっくり、どっぷり恋愛小説に浸かりたい気分の人、必読です。
The way how to make tasty coffee
This set of books series are what we just call the romances. Most part of books are accounted for love affairs. The development of stories is so slow... So, this story becomes the series. Most of the characters in books have involved in love affair in some way. This story will lie heavy on our hearts as well as meat lies on our stomach. I want to recommend person who want to be immersed in love story to read this series.
By the way, I like coffee very much. Especially I love smell of coffee when I grind coffee. This smell bring me happy feeling. In my home, there are always coffee even though it is instant coffee.. Recently, three new taste coffee add to my home selections, caramel taste, nut taste and Bari. These tastes get stamps of approval from my family members immediately. My favorite one is nut taste. Whenever I drink it, I can't help feeling happy!!


Is wine there is truth.

今日の会場は、学院大学。学食にもお邪魔してきました。学生多いから、侵入してもあんまり目立ちません。学院スイーツは、結構、手の込んだのありました。 学校によって、学食の雰囲気が、面白いくらい違いますよね。面食らっってしまうね。学食はその学校の雰囲気を掴む、一番手っ取り早い手段と言っても過言ではないのではないでしょ うか?
 Yamanashi is known as one of country prefectures. I like peaceful, pastoral atmosphere of Yamanashi, but I want my home prefecture becomes little bit more active. I think Yamanashi is an attractive prefecture. It has Mt.Fuji which is one of famous Japanese sightseeing destinations.Furthermore, its location is also good. Yamanashi is placed not so far but not so near from Tokyo. It is fine location to take a day trip from Tokyo. As I heard, the route from Osaka to Tokyo is gold (popular) route to sightseeing around famous spots in Japan for foreign visitors. Yamanashi is between Tokyo and Osaka. It is easy for foreigner visitors to drop by Yamanashi. So, recently, Yamanashi prefectural government tries to advertise prefecture's hidden charms for visitors especially for foreigners. Indeed, there are a lot of foreigners in Yamanashi. So,I guess people in Yamanashi are beginning to have welcome atmosphere. The prefectural government hosts new program for members of society in Yamanashi who are interested in or already go in for international jobs for about two months. In this program, every time, one or two business persons are invited as speakers. I sometimes help this program as a student staff members. It is good experience for me to improve myself to meet persons who involved in international jobs. Besides, it is good oppotunity to make money. To help this program is a kind of part-time job for me.
Today, I went to Gakuin university which take places this program in. Since I had free time before this program, I went to a cafeteria in this university. Atmosphere is fairly different from atmosphere in my university. I think it is not too much to say that a cafeteria atmosphere can reflect university atmosphere.


( . . ;).....

@ベイビーメール ★☆☆☆☆
理由 怖い。気持ち悪い。夢に出てきそう。背後が気になりだす。携帯の画面が見れなくなる。
以上のことにより、日常生活に支障をきたすおそれがあるので、 お勧めできません。。。

@ Baby Mail
Don’t read this book!
Because…there are possibilities that: you will dream of this book, you will suspect someone behind you, you will not be able to see the screen of the cell phone.
For above reasons, I can not recommend you to read this book….


When shared, joy is doubled and sorrow halved

 起床はa.m. →着付け&メイクに約時間です。美容師さんは、朝の数時間でざっと6or7人さばいてました。なんと貫徹とのことで....お疲れ様です。総額は....O万2000円なり。男の子は、男の子というだけで、もはや親孝行だと思います。でも、でも!?着物着た思い出は、プライスレス(笑)ちなみに、着物は。帯は、巾着結び。自分では、見えなかったけど、袋みたいになってたらしいです。前撮りの時は、髪はアップだったので、今回は横にふわふわ(?)こじゃれた感じにしてもらいました。魔法のパウダーとやらの力で髪の毛は、キラッキラ(笑)面白い!!!

Today, it was held the coming of age ceremony. I woke up at 4a.m. and went to a beauty salon. Beauty salons open at early morning only today for girls who take part in the coming of age ceremony. I made up my face, put up my hair and wore Furisode(Kimono). Interestingly, it is often said Kimono suits woman whose waist measurement is almost same as her hip . So, I wound a towel around my waist to approximated to the fine proportion. It took about 2hours to dress up. It cost oooooyen.. I felt so sorry for my parents. I think boys are good to their parents because what they have to buy is only suit and what only they have to do for the coming of age ceremony is... to wear the suit. But! the experience wearing Kimono is priceless!!!
The ceremony took only 30minutes. But, the ceremony itself is not so important for us. To meet old friends is the most pleasure. I met many friends who seldom meet. The coming of age ceremony is held in each city. We join the ceremony in our home town. So, friends who go to other prefectures come to our home town. The coming of age ceremony is one of precious chances to catch up with old friends. I feel sorry that I can't find any ways to tell how the ceremony place is buzzing.
After the coming of age ceremony, I went to a drinking party as a class reunion . We held it beyond classes, so almost 50people joined this party. I reminisced about the good old days with my friends.
Today is a colorfulday for me.


My another family!!

I received the information about my host family. There are five members in my host family. All children are girls. We are also a family of five. Indeed, I am the second daughter of three sisters. Namely, My host family structure is the same as my family structure. My Host family's oldest sister, second sister and youngest sister is 1 years old ,3years old and5 years old respectively. The youngest sister was born in just last year!!!! How young they are. I guess I have to get over not only culture shocks but also generation gaps. Besides, there is a dog. It is the first time for me to live with dog because I lived a condominium where pets are not allowed for a long time. I can easily imagine my younger sister envies me.
My senior went to Australia the year before last. Surprisingly, my host family is exactly the same as my senior's host family. What a curious coincidence!! I have read her report about her experience in Australia. Her excitement communicates itself to me by reading her report. Thanks to her report, I can grasp a feeling of hospitality of my host family. At no distant date, I will talk with her face to face. I can't help imagining of my new life as an oldest sister.

ついに、ホストファミリー決まりました!!!!!!!!ステイ先は、5人家族( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ )我が家と一緒だ~。しかも3姉妹。また、また、うちと一緒~。子供達は1&3&5歳の女の子達。つまり、1番小さい子は昨年生まれたばかりヽ(`ロ´;)ノめちゃ、ちっこい(*>ω<*)日本で言えば、平成生まれの3姉妹。カルチャーショック+ジェネレーションギャップも乗り越えなければφ(.. )ぃゃ~、可愛いんだろうな。つい、ニヤケてしまうのを、どうにもこうにも止められません(>w<)♪
+α 犬。人生初ペット♪♪ 仲良くしてくれるかなぁ。


(。 。;)

 歯茎が痛い...と思いきや何と、何と!?親知らずが生えてきた!!!!!えっ、えっ~~~。嘘ですよね??本当ですか??って言うか、タイミングは今ですか??今、YOU、生えて来ちゃうの!? 留学中、歯医者のみは保険使えないんですけど…、ご存じでσ(^-^;)??
ぃゃ~、久々にテンション上がっちゃいました(笑)歯医者をこの前、卒業したばっかなのに…υまた、出戻り決定かな( ̄~ ̄;)骨密度良いけどさ、牛乳好きだけどさ。ん~、の心子知らずとは良く言ったものだゎ(笑)
 Little did I know that I cut my wisdom tooth. I was reeeeeeeally surprised at cutting my wisdom after I come of age. How bad timing is(> .< ;) Because I just finished having my teeth treated. Indeed, I already entered health insurance for studying abroad. I can take advantage of this insurance in any case except .....dentist!! I can say only "Awful". Now, my wisdom teeth grows a little bit , so I can't pull it yet = There are nothing I can do...
By the way, I didn't know that third molar is expressed wisdom tooth. To cut one's wisdom teeth has another meaning
according to the dictionary. This also means that men(women) begin to be discreet men (women) . I hope my wisdom tooth is cut to report my maturity to me and to guarantee not to make funny mistakes!


( ^^)(^^ )

 今日、インタビューを受けました( ^^)(^^)オーストラリアから来ている留学生の子の期末レポートのお手伝い♪♪テーマは、"パラサイトシングル"についてどう思うか。中学か高校の授業で習った気がするな~程度の認識しかなかったのだけれども、乏しいながらも精一杯の知識をフル活用して、答えました!!ちょっとでも、役に立ってくれたら良いな~と思います。インタビューは、録音するとのことで、しかも英語ということで緊張しました(><)どもりまくりで、申し訳ないですっ。。。でも、彼女がとっても優しい!!そして、ちっちゃくて可愛い~☆特に’uhm~’という時の、しぐさがぐっと来ます(笑)質問を丁寧に説明してくれたし、"good~"って何度も褒めてくれました。オーストラリアでも彼女には会えるので、嬉しいです。
 Today, was interviewed by one of international students who come from Australia. She research about the phenomenon of increasing of parasite single in Japan". I know the word of parasite single because I heard this word in the high school's or junior high school's class. I don't know the detail, but I tried to answer by using my full of knowledge of the parasite single. I hope my answer can help her report. She recorded our conversation to be able to review after. We used English through interview. I felt little nervous and stammered many times... But her kind attitude made me relaxed. She explained all questions carefully before we started interview. And she encouraged me with kind words many times. I like her atomosphere and I especially like her behavior when she says" uhm~". It's pretty cute!! I am happy because we can still meet in Australia(^^)♪


Long time no see you!!!

My friends who belong to the same department and ,now, go to German to study as a exchange student came back to Japan briefly to take part in the event for the young who come of age(成人式). She spend her school life in German from last August. She let us see some pictures with her friends. As far as I guess from these pictures, some of guys in pictures will aim her. Anyway, I am glad to know that she enjoys studying in German. I am also happy that she hasn't changed so much since she left Japan. She is still charming and often chuckles as before. She can enter into our atmosphere immediately. I bet many her friends eager to meet her and she will be pull about because she has to leave again soon to join classes in German. I hope she have fruitful life in German. I am looking forward to hearing the story of her travels.



 私にとっては他大学になる県立大学の留学生とお茶して来ました☆彼は、甲府の姉妹都市のアメリカのアイオワ州デモインからの留学生です。同じボランティアしたのがきっかけで友達に( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ )写真はその時のものです♪また、さらに、さらに、偶然にも!?単位交換でお邪魔している県立大学で,同じ授業を取っていることが判明!!世間狭っ。というより山梨狭っ。"デモインは何もないよ~"とのこと。だから、"何もない甲府と姉妹都市になったんだよね~"って。ん~、同意せざるを得ないのが寂しい。。という何もない甲府で特にすることもないので、今、甲府で開催されている風林火山博まで散歩してきました。そこで売ってるジェラート食べました☆黒ゴマ、ゆず、巨峰、きな粉、等々、どれも惹かれてしまうゎ、、今度、他の味にも挑戦したい!
 Today, I hung around with an international student who belongs to other university than mine. We met at a certain festival which I took part in as a volunteer and we made friends. We took the upper picture that day. He came from Des Moines at Iowa state in America.
 In this semester, I take some classes in his university as a part of a certain program hosted by the Kofu government. And I found that he takes the same class. How coincidence we are!
According to him, Des Moines is countryside and there are nothing special. Kofu is also countryside.. He said that Des Moines and Kofu became sister cities because they were very similar." Sadly, I can't help agreeing with him..
We went to a kind of event held in Kofu. In Yamanash,there is a famous historical person named Takeda Shingen who lived in samurai period . And his life became a video drama. The event is held for the video drama. We ate gelato there. There were many kinds of tastes such as grape, green tea, a sort of mandarin orange and so on . I was puzzled which taste I ate. I choose soybean flour taste finally. Next time, I want to try other tastes!!
 He is a gentleman, I think. I was little upset because I am not accustomed with being treated such way. I make my mind that I become a gentlegirl following him!!!



〜本に出てくる言葉〜                     ★★★☆☆

 I read the book called”Fukuin no Syonen". In this story, two boys cleared up the incident that the building erupted. There were 9 victims. One of victims was their friend. Most people thought the incident was an accident. But, they thought the explosion broke out intentionally by someone.
This book begins the scene that one man visits the place which the building were. We can't know who he is until we read the later part of this book. This book is difficult for readers to piece out the setting . The author doesn't mention a lot about the situation. So,readers can use my imagination. We gradually find out the detail of each characters, who each character is and how did they meet each other. And finally, we can face the fact why the girl was killed. Boys search the fact not to be famous. They search the fact because they only eager to know the fact.
Another highlight of this book is that they suffer from their own characters. They have two faces. At a glance, they are normal students, in fact, they try to be normal students. On the other hand, they have desire to kill others. They try to hide this desire and to erase the desire somehow. But, they can't do by themselves. Through their search, they have to keep in touch with the criminal. He sees through their dangerous desires and draw them into criminal black world which he live in. The context that boys try to strain at the leash of their desire will grasp reader's attention and the unexpected ending will make readers satisfied with !!