
Is wine there is truth.

今日の会場は、学院大学。学食にもお邪魔してきました。学生多いから、侵入してもあんまり目立ちません。学院スイーツは、結構、手の込んだのありました。 学校によって、学食の雰囲気が、面白いくらい違いますよね。面食らっってしまうね。学食はその学校の雰囲気を掴む、一番手っ取り早い手段と言っても過言ではないのではないでしょ うか?
 Yamanashi is known as one of country prefectures. I like peaceful, pastoral atmosphere of Yamanashi, but I want my home prefecture becomes little bit more active. I think Yamanashi is an attractive prefecture. It has Mt.Fuji which is one of famous Japanese sightseeing destinations.Furthermore, its location is also good. Yamanashi is placed not so far but not so near from Tokyo. It is fine location to take a day trip from Tokyo. As I heard, the route from Osaka to Tokyo is gold (popular) route to sightseeing around famous spots in Japan for foreign visitors. Yamanashi is between Tokyo and Osaka. It is easy for foreigner visitors to drop by Yamanashi. So, recently, Yamanashi prefectural government tries to advertise prefecture's hidden charms for visitors especially for foreigners. Indeed, there are a lot of foreigners in Yamanashi. So,I guess people in Yamanashi are beginning to have welcome atmosphere. The prefectural government hosts new program for members of society in Yamanashi who are interested in or already go in for international jobs for about two months. In this program, every time, one or two business persons are invited as speakers. I sometimes help this program as a student staff members. It is good experience for me to improve myself to meet persons who involved in international jobs. Besides, it is good oppotunity to make money. To help this program is a kind of part-time job for me.
Today, I went to Gakuin university which take places this program in. Since I had free time before this program, I went to a cafeteria in this university. Atmosphere is fairly different from atmosphere in my university. I think it is not too much to say that a cafeteria atmosphere can reflect university atmosphere.

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