歯茎が痛い...と思いきや何と、何と!?親知らずが生えてきた!!!!!えっ、えっ~~~。嘘ですよね??本当ですか??って言うか、タイミングは今ですか??今、YOU、生えて来ちゃうの!? 留学中、歯医者のみは保険使えないんですけど…、ご存じでσ(^-^;)??
ぃゃ~、久々にテンション上がっちゃいました(笑)歯医者をこの前、卒業したばっかなのに…υまた、出戻り決定かな( ̄~ ̄;)骨密度良いけどさ、牛乳好きだけどさ。ん~、親の心子知らずとは良く言ったものだゎ(笑)
Little did I know that I cut my wisdom tooth. I was reeeeeeeally surprised at cutting my wisdom after I come of age. How bad timing is(> .< ;) Because I just finished having my teeth treated. Indeed, I already entered health insurance for studying abroad. I can take advantage of this insurance in any case except .....dentist!! I can say only "Awful". Now, my wisdom teeth grows a little bit , so I can't pull it yet = There are nothing I can do...
By the way, I didn't know that third molar is expressed wisdom tooth. To cut one's wisdom teeth has another meaning according to the dictionary. This also means that men(women) begin to be discreet men (women) . I hope my wisdom tooth is cut to report my maturity to me and to guarantee not to make funny mistakes!
2 件のコメント:
A good chance to experience an Australian dentist!!
You cannot but pray not to come to hurt...(^^;
Experience is the best teacher... You have a point there!! I try to think positive.