起床は4a.m. →着付け&メイクに約2時間です。美容師さんは、朝の数時間でざっと6or7人さばいてました。なんと貫徹とのことで....お疲れ様です。総額は....O万2000円なり。男の子は、男の子というだけで、もはや親孝行だと思います。でも、でも!?着物着た思い出は、プライスレス(笑)ちなみに、着物は赤。帯は、巾着結び。自分では、見えなかったけど、袋みたいになってたらしいです。前撮りの時は、髪はアップだったので、今回は横にふわふわ(?)こじゃれた感じにしてもらいました。魔法のパウダーとやらの力で髪の毛は、キラッキラ(笑)☆面白い!!!
Today, it was held the coming of age ceremony. I woke up at 4a.m. and went to a beauty salon. Beauty salons open at early morning only today for girls who take part in the coming of age ceremony. I made up my face, put up my hair and wore Furisode(Kimono). Interestingly, it is often said Kimono suits woman whose waist measurement is almost same as her hip . So, I wound a towel around my waist to approximated to the fine proportion. It took about 2hours to dress up. It cost oooooyen.. I felt so sorry for my parents. I think boys are good to their parents because what they have to buy is only suit and what only they have to do for the coming of age ceremony is... to wear the suit. But! the experience wearing Kimono is priceless!!!
The ceremony took only 30minutes. But, the ceremony itself is not so important for us. To meet old friends is the most pleasure. I met many friends who seldom meet. The coming of age ceremony is held in each city. We join the ceremony in our home town. So, friends who go to other prefectures come to our home town. The coming of age ceremony is one of precious chances to catch up with old friends. I feel sorry that I can't find any ways to tell how the ceremony place is buzzing.
After the coming of age ceremony, I went to a drinking party as a class reunion . We held it beyond classes, so almost 50people joined this party. I reminisced about the good old days with my friends.
Today is a colorfulday for me.
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