

 私にとっては他大学になる県立大学の留学生とお茶して来ました☆彼は、甲府の姉妹都市のアメリカのアイオワ州デモインからの留学生です。同じボランティアしたのがきっかけで友達に( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ )写真はその時のものです♪また、さらに、さらに、偶然にも!?単位交換でお邪魔している県立大学で,同じ授業を取っていることが判明!!世間狭っ。というより山梨狭っ。"デモインは何もないよ~"とのこと。だから、"何もない甲府と姉妹都市になったんだよね~"って。ん~、同意せざるを得ないのが寂しい。。という何もない甲府で特にすることもないので、今、甲府で開催されている風林火山博まで散歩してきました。そこで売ってるジェラート食べました☆黒ゴマ、ゆず、巨峰、きな粉、等々、どれも惹かれてしまうゎ、、今度、他の味にも挑戦したい!
 Today, I hung around with an international student who belongs to other university than mine. We met at a certain festival which I took part in as a volunteer and we made friends. We took the upper picture that day. He came from Des Moines at Iowa state in America.
 In this semester, I take some classes in his university as a part of a certain program hosted by the Kofu government. And I found that he takes the same class. How coincidence we are!
According to him, Des Moines is countryside and there are nothing special. Kofu is also countryside.. He said that Des Moines and Kofu became sister cities because they were very similar." Sadly, I can't help agreeing with him..
We went to a kind of event held in Kofu. In Yamanash,there is a famous historical person named Takeda Shingen who lived in samurai period . And his life became a video drama. The event is held for the video drama. We ate gelato there. There were many kinds of tastes such as grape, green tea, a sort of mandarin orange and so on . I was puzzled which taste I ate. I choose soybean flour taste finally. Next time, I want to try other tastes!!
 He is a gentleman, I think. I was little upset because I am not accustomed with being treated such way. I make my mind that I become a gentlegirl following him!!!

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