Every Thursday, we,new students, have a kind of party at our university. In this party, we chat to our friends as drinking a cup(glass) of drink for a discounted price, less than $1 . This is a good oppotunity for me to make new friends. In fact,thanks to this party, I got some charming friends. I like chatting! I love drinking coffee! I want to make friends! So, this party is soooo atractive for me:)
Basically, this pary is held for meeting own buddy regularly(maybe..). My buddy is a Chinese experienced boy. Probably, our first convasation's topic was about homesick somehow.lol When we talked about the word ,"homesick ", he gave a difinition of this word as" a feeling of a kind of tiredness."I'm very pleased with this original difinition,because I think his difinition is quite right rather than a general difinition. Furthermore,I'm also intrested in his way of speaking which looks like that of Japanese. He often uses phrases," looks like~" or"seems to~". I am a person who tend to avoid to speak in an assertive tone as well. So, I like such a way of speaking(Japanese way of speaking?)
Above all, his most attractive points for me is... to have amasing ears to catch my poor Japanese accent. lol. Good( >▽)o"
Namely,my buddy is beyound prise. (It's a bit much.lol ?)So ,he draws everybody. In fact, he is often said that he is a buddy for everyone( ^^)(^^ )= I am good at finding attractive persons!?
毎週木曜日に、New studentのために、ちょっとしたパーティみたいなものがあります。コーヒー等々をのみながら、友達とおしゃべりするという感じの会です。しかも、飲み物は全部$1以下。安っ(☆o☆)! このパーティーは、友達作りをするのに、本当に良い環境です。実際、この会を通して、本当に素敵な友達にたくさん出会いました。しゃべるの好きで、コーヒー好きで、友達100人出来るかな~♪な私には、本当に、本当に、素敵過ぎる会です( o>▽)o!!
基本的なコンセプトは、Buddyに定期的に会うこと、たぶん。私のBuddyは、中国人の学生。その子の考え方(?)が、なかなか面白い!初っ端の会話のテーマが、確か、なぜか、"ホームシック"についてだったような。彼の定義によると、ホームシックは”ちょっと疲れちゃったかなぁ~って感じ"とのこと。お~。と感銘を受けました(笑)確かに!辞書的な意味より、言葉の芯を言い当ててる気がする!、、のは私だけかな(' ';)?
The busiest men find the most time
Today, I ate lunch with my local friend whose major is law. As well as law study, he does karate, works part-time job and helps new students voluntalily. Busy..(。。 ;)ノ!! When he asked me if I am busy now, of couse,i couldn't say yes. Everyday I have a lot of things i want to do though, but they are not things have to do. Actually, for last two months, I have enjoyed my slow life thanks to time and to spare(- - ).zzZ In Japan, I always had at least one part-time job. I pretty liked these part-time jobs though, part-time jobs also gave me a little bit tight schedule. So, Australia is paradise for me~~,lol Maybe, I have to try not to be lazy...
Anyway, since I come here, I met many respectable persons like him. For example, I met many students who can speak Japanese very well even though they have their own specific major. My major is English literature and I have studied English for so many years though, I can't speak English well. So,I feel ashemed to answer to the question how many years I have study English... Umm, I don't want to count(><) Many students have big motivation and dreams and manage their time well and set aside their time for us. Their attitudes that put as much effort in as they can to achieve dreams and goals inspire me a lot. The biggest purpose why I came here is,of course, to study English, but there are also many other things I want to learn from them. Many wonderful surprises already came to me so far and new surprises will await me from now. There is no time to lose~~, so, I open my eyes so that I assimilate many things!
Anyway, since I come here, I met many respectable persons like him. For example, I met many students who can speak Japanese very well even though they have their own specific major. My major is English literature and I have studied English for so many years though, I can't speak English well. So,I feel ashemed to answer to the question how many years I have study English... Umm, I don't want to count(><) Many students have big motivation and dreams and manage their time well and set aside their time for us. Their attitudes that put as much effort in as they can to achieve dreams and goals inspire me a lot. The biggest purpose why I came here is,of course, to study English, but there are also many other things I want to learn from them. Many wonderful surprises already came to me so far and new surprises will await me from now. There is no time to lose~~, so, I open my eyes so that I assimilate many things!
My name is....
ホストファザーは今週何をしていたかと言うと、、、旅行を満喫されてました(笑)。今年は、40歳というちょっとした節目ということで、学生時代の友達と西の方に 1週間ドライブ旅行。つまり、その間、うちは、女だらけ。女の園。そして、今日はこれでもか!ってくらい、女の人いっぱいいました、、ホストマザー、ホストシスターの3姉妹、一緒の家でホームステイしているお姉さん。ホストグランドマザー、そこでホームステイをしてるお姉さん。お隣さん。私の友達。そして、私。ん~、この状況を男臭いならぬ、女くさいと表現するのかな(笑)
In this week, my host father went to his 40th birthday anniversary trip. That means, in my house, there are only female. Especially today, there were many girls and women,my host mother, my three host sisters,a Japanese girl who stay with the same host family as me,host grand mother, a Japanese girl who lives at host grand mother's house, my friend who lives next door,my friend's host mother and me. lol Too many girls!!
At dinner time, I got a English name from my host grand mother. My new name is Michel. I don't know why my name is Michel, unless I get a skill to see my host grand mother's brain. My friend also got a new name, Matilda. Once she gave us names, she called us our new names naturally. I have to get accustomed to my new name quickly!! In return, we also gave our host families their Japanese name. My host mother is Sachiko, friend's host mother is Keiko and my host grandmother is...something..even though I forgot.. I felt sorry for my host father because I was really enjoyed last few days without him.lol
In this week, my host father went to his 40th birthday anniversary trip. That means, in my house, there are only female. Especially today, there were many girls and women,my host mother, my three host sisters,a Japanese girl who stay with the same host family as me,host grand mother, a Japanese girl who lives at host grand mother's house, my friend who lives next door,my friend's host mother and me. lol Too many girls!!
At dinner time, I got a English name from my host grand mother. My new name is Michel. I don't know why my name is Michel, unless I get a skill to see my host grand mother's brain. My friend also got a new name, Matilda. Once she gave us names, she called us our new names naturally. I have to get accustomed to my new name quickly!! In return, we also gave our host families their Japanese name. My host mother is Sachiko, friend's host mother is Keiko and my host grandmother is...something..even though I forgot.. I felt sorry for my host father because I was really enjoyed last few days without him.lol
I also joined another friend's birthday party the very next day. I met him at a club activity and he invited me to his 18th birthday party. 18 years old is an important age in Australia because this is the age which people are regarded as an adult and allowed to drink alcohol. I was pleased that I could celebrated such a special day.
Surpringly, my friend himself organized his own birthday party and entertained us. So, even though such a special day,he couldn't get drunk, in fact, he didn't drink so much, (he kindly tried to one bottle of Japanese Japanese beer,kirin, which I bought for him though). During this party, his friends were dancing,singing, chatting etc.. so cheerful!! it is very different from Japanese birthday parties, but I like this atmosphere~~. As a kick-on effect(?) of party atmosphere, his friends dived into a pool at his house. I had no idea that guests would swim in a pool at a birthday party. Is it common here..? Interesting!! He also entered into a pool, so his hair was wet in this picture. lol He not only invite me but also worried about I might feel lonely in his friends and suggested me to take my friend to his party. Furthermore,he already told his parents about that we would go to his party,so I didn't need to introduce myself to his parents and they welcomed us warmly. Mmm..I can't help suspecting this party is a really 18th birthday party. lol
I am big fun of Australia.
Since I came to Australia,it past one month by today. So,today, I wrote a love letter to my host family to tell my big thanks (as teaching my (host) sister how to fold a heart shape with Origami)and I got a big hug from host mother.
By the way, what have I changed so far?? Mmm...I can say that,in the last one month, my hair grew enough to tie up in a ponytail, my skin got dark gradually and I could make some friends!!
How about my English skill?..Mmm,it is a difficult question..
From the day I came here forward, many people asked me if I like Australia. This is just a queation of.. Yes!! I like host family, I like school, I like friends!
今日で、オーストラリアに来て、1か月。ということで、長女にハートの折紙の折り方を教えつつ、感謝の気持ちを伝えるために、ホストファミリーにラブレターを書いてみました。そして、ホストマザーからBig hugをいただきました。
この一か月で何が変わったことと言えば、、ポニテール出来るくらいに紙が伸びたこと、日に日に、肌が黒くなってきたこと、、、そして、友達ができたこと☆ 英語力の方は、、不明です。上達してれば良いな(><)♪
If at first you don't succeed,try,try,again.
Today, I took part in a kind of discussion for a survey to search international students' behaviors toward mass media for few hours. In this discussion, we, respondents, saw a couple of advertising,commercials and magazines. And then, we had to discuss how we felt about these advertisements etc. I joined this discussion as a behalf of Japanese girl. There were 6 members in this discussion and all of them were new students as well as me,but....their English level were obviously higher than mine. So, at first, I really felt upset because I realized that couldn't follow their discussions at all. Then, my buddy (he kindly followed and helped me) said me what I should do was only to tell an interviewer how I felt about materials and why I felt so. He also said that there was no need to interrupt their discussion. After I got this suggestion from him, I could feel relaxed more. Actually I think I should have participated in this discussion, if I could do so... But ,"trying something is better than nothing", thanks to his advice, I could change my mind to a better way.
Truthfully,even after I got this advice, I couldn't nearly say anything. And after this discussion, I felt so blue... Maybe some of participants could guess my situation(feeling?), so they encouraged me after this discussion with pleasant topics and ice cream.:) They are so,so, so kind.
Thanks to this experience, I could get motivation to study English more. And I also got some important thing which I have to think seriously for my future. So,today is good day!
By the way, the next day, I totally could change my mind by a good sleep. And at that day, I got a message in Japanese with using the roman alphabet and it said: Are you OK? Don't cry. I am about to cry to joy:^
私は、日本人女性という分類の代表ということで、参加。私を含めて、6人いて、全員New students。でも、まぁ、彼らの英語のレベルは、私とは比べものにならない粋。。。で、いや~、これは全く付いて行けないなぁ~と認識し、、ん~、、どうしましょ、、状態で、本当に、本当に、焦りました(。。;)そこで、Buddyから貰ったアドバイスが、頑張ってディスカッションに参加しようとせず、思ったこと&その理由を言いなさいというもの。めちゃシンプル(笑)もちろん、出来るならば、討論に参加するに越したとはないんですが、、まぁ、出来ないものはしょうがないので、何もしないよりは、ちょっとでも自分の意見を言ったほうが良いですよね!?ということで。この方向チェンジのおかげで、相当気楽になりました。
ちなみに、寝たら、次の日は復活(笑)我ながら、相当撃たれ強いなと思います。そして、そんなときに、もらったメールが:Daizyoubu? Nakanaide. もう、本当に、泣きたくなるくらい、みんな優しい(-UωU-)
Truthfully,even after I got this advice, I couldn't nearly say anything. And after this discussion, I felt so blue... Maybe some of participants could guess my situation(feeling?), so they encouraged me after this discussion with pleasant topics and ice cream.:) They are so,so, so kind.
Thanks to this experience, I could get motivation to study English more. And I also got some important thing which I have to think seriously for my future. So,today is good day!
By the way, the next day, I totally could change my mind by a good sleep. And at that day, I got a message in Japanese with using the roman alphabet and it said: Are you OK? Don't cry. I am about to cry to joy:^
私は、日本人女性という分類の代表ということで、参加。私を含めて、6人いて、全員New students。でも、まぁ、彼らの英語のレベルは、私とは比べものにならない粋。。。で、いや~、これは全く付いて行けないなぁ~と認識し、、ん~、、どうしましょ、、状態で、本当に、本当に、焦りました(。。;)そこで、Buddyから貰ったアドバイスが、頑張ってディスカッションに参加しようとせず、思ったこと&その理由を言いなさいというもの。めちゃシンプル(笑)もちろん、出来るならば、討論に参加するに越したとはないんですが、、まぁ、出来ないものはしょうがないので、何もしないよりは、ちょっとでも自分の意見を言ったほうが良いですよね!?ということで。この方向チェンジのおかげで、相当気楽になりました。
ちなみに、寝たら、次の日は復活(笑)我ながら、相当撃たれ強いなと思います。そして、そんなときに、もらったメールが:Daizyoubu? Nakanaide. もう、本当に、泣きたくなるくらい、みんな優しい(-UωU-)
So far, I went shopping many times. Even though my town is countryside,there are some choices for me to go shopping here,because there are several shopping malls in near other cities and traffic is very convenient.
Maybe, some like buying clothes and some like buying CD. For me, cute stationeries make me feel happy. Once I find a stationary which suites my taste, I can't help feel happy♪ Especially, if I find a nice bookmaker, I will be overexcited. Maybe, one of my hobbies is collecting bookmakers. Actually, in my room in Japan, I have a lot of bookmakers. I can't expl
Maybe, I can say my taste hasn't totally changed since I come here, because some of them I bought are made in Japan or China even though i didn't notice that when i bought them.. Anyway, I feel happy not only at house but also at a classroom.
By the way, I also bought a cover of i-pot. But, it doesn't fit. Mmm.. Why..?
Good fences make good neighbors.
My friend tried to find new host family, so,recently, I followed her to meet several host families . I already decided to stay longer with my current host family, so if I had come to Australia alone, I guess I would have had no such an opportunity. I want to say thanks to my friend to give me such a precious experience. Even though finding host family might be easier for Japanese especially Japanese girls rather than others, it does not mean that it is a piece of cake for my friend. I could see she spent a lot of time to find new family these days. She could do nothing except finding host family recently,because meeting people needs time,money and energy. I respect her becouse she handled with this big task by herself in this unfamiliar country. If I were her, I could not do same thing as her:( I bet she will be much stronger thanks to this experience. Interestingly, her impression of host families and mine were sometimes different even though we shared exactly the same time. It proves our point of views are different. Mmm, so interesting.
Finally my friend decided a family who lives next to me. her new host mother is my host mother's friend and sometimes comes and sees my host family. My friend already met this host mother at a sushi party which we held the other day at my house. Since I said to my host mother about my friend's situation, my host mother really worried about my friend and tried to find a person who can accept my friend. My host grandmother also worried about my friend and proposed my friend to live with her in case my friend can't find good host family. I touched a lot of heartfelt kindness through finding new host family. Thanks to this experience, I became a best fan of my host family,now.
Anyway, I hope my friend enjoy new life as my neighbor!!
Finally my friend decided a family who lives next to me. her new host mother is my host mother's friend and sometimes comes and sees my host family. My friend already met this host mother at a sushi party which we held the other day at my house. Since I said to my host mother about my friend's situation, my host mother really worried about my friend and tried to find a person who can accept my friend. My host grandmother also worried about my friend and proposed my friend to live with her in case my friend can't find good host family. I touched a lot of heartfelt kindness through finding new host family. Thanks to this experience, I became a best fan of my host family,now.
Anyway, I hope my friend enjoy new life as my neighbor!!
No news is good news~便りがないのは良い知らせ~
Today, I got a call from my mother from Japan to Australia, my cell phone to be exact.
Mother: ...
Me: Hi!
Mother: ...
Me: Hi?
Mother: ...Kanako?
Me: ...!?
I really felt ashamed that I spoke to English to my mother....
But, I hope my mother could understand I am fine:)
Mother: ...
Me: Hi!
Mother: ...
Me: Hi?
Mother: ...Kanako?
Me: ...!?
I really felt ashamed that I spoke to English to my mother....
But, I hope my mother could understand I am fine:)
Variety is the spice of life
I went to Mardi Gras with my friends.This parade is known as Sydney Gay & Les
bian Mardi Gras. I had no idea about this parade even though this festival seemed to be pretty famous. So, I asked about this parade to a few persons.
According to my host father:
one time is enough to go.
According to my host mother:
too sexy for children(In her opinion, this parade is for over 18 .)
According to my teacher:
Great! Don't miss it!
Mmm...what should I do? Of couse, my solution was... to go! Becouse this time is the first time and will be the last ti
me for me.
The place was so jammed...but, party(parade?) atmosphere let me smile and, made me overexcited o(^-^o )=(o ^-^)o .It also gave me gave me a chance to think impotant thing in our lives.
Mardi Gras make me realize what a small thing which I stick at was. I think such a festival is very effective to change people's image rather than surface lows or formal meetings.
I already know there are many kinds of persons in the world. When it becomes my own theory, I can be a real multicultural person.
世界には、いろんな人がいて、いろんな考えを持った人がいて、分かってはいるつもりなんだけど、まだ、今一、自分のものに出来ていない感があります。。ん~、本当に、心から色んなものを受け入れられた時、きっとmulticultural personになれるのだと思います♪
According to my host father:
one time is enough to go.
According to my host mother:
too sexy for children(In her opinion, this parade is for over 18 .)
According to my teacher:
Great! Don't miss it!
Mmm...what should I do? Of couse, my solution was... to go! Becouse this time is the first time and will be the last ti
The place was so jammed...but, party(parade?) atmosphere let me smile and, made me overexcited o(^-^o )=(o ^-^)o .It also gave me gave me a chance to think impotant thing in our lives.
Mardi Gras make me realize what a small thing which I stick at was. I think such a festival is very effective to change people's image rather than surface lows or formal meetings.
I already know there are many kinds of persons in the world. When it becomes my own theory, I can be a real multicultural person.
世界には、いろんな人がいて、いろんな考えを持った人がいて、分かってはいるつもりなんだけど、まだ、今一、自分のものに出来ていない感があります。。ん~、本当に、心から色んなものを受け入れられた時、きっとmulticultural personになれるのだと思います♪
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