( ’ ’ ?
I wondered why trains here are not so punctual. And,I found one suggestion to this question in the news paper. The news said that many people squeeze into the set of doors,especially the closest doors to stairs. So, rail staff are reduced to open the doors for idiots. And, the article was rounded off that "Train passengers:When you notice your train being delayed,don't blame rail staff,just take a look at your fellow passengers. These are real reasons why trains are often delayed."
Well..it makes my ears burn....I commuted to my high school by train for three years. And I can't calculate how many times I drove into closing doors. Even though I had never been late to school thanks to train staff's kindness. If I can say I am a behalf of Japanese, we can see passengers' selfishness both countries. Now, I have to wonder why trains in japan are so punctual...
なんで、電車が遅れるのかなぁ(’ ’?と、ぼんやり考えてたところ、新聞記事を発見しました。新聞によると、沢山の人が、押し合いへし合いしてて、車掌さんが、閉められなくて→遅れる。だから、遅れたら車掌さんに文句を言うのではなく周りの乗客をガン見しなさいというような内容でした。多分。。
Ignorance is bliss. 「知らぬが仏」
I guess what I did for him were only to make difficult Kangi name with using substitute characters and to advice to use Ore instead of watashi to express I in Japanese. I can say he is a kind student . In fact, he kindly gave me a handmade CD when I left Japan. I hope he have a great time in Japan now as me in Australia.
To bring the talk around to the party, I joined this party and find buddy. My buddy is Chinese boy who can speak Chinese, English and Japanese. I will give a detailed account of him next time.
Today, I went to movie,for the first time in Australia, with that my buddy and his friends . The movie I watched today is "Sweeney Tot". There are no ways not to watch it for me!! Because the combination of director, Tim Burton,and main actor,Johnny Depp,is exactly as same as that of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" which is one of favorite movies. Furthermore,this movie was made based on the musical. It is huge bonus points for me, because I like movies filmed from a play such as Chicago and hairspray. It is not too much to say that this movie was made for me. Of course(?), I couldn't understand the detail without subtitle, but I could still enjoy watching this movie.
But, one big problem lay in front of me. That is, this movie has some scary scenes which makes me feel not to go to barbershop and makes me not to eat pie, fortunately I realized that problem after watching this movie.lol.
今日は、そのBuddyとその友達とSweeny Totを見に行きました♪初☆映画☆見るっきゃない映画です。なぜなら、監督とメインキャストのコンビが、私の大好きな"Chocolate Factory"と、一緒だから。さらに、ミュージカルを映画化したという、私にとっては、おっきなボーナス付き。見ろ!と言ってるようなもの(笑)もちろん、字幕なしで内容が理解できるわけがないんですが、、楽しかったです♪
There's nothing like home
I decided to stay longer with my current host family, because I am a big fan of all family members. Before I came here, I couldn't imagine that I can feel so relax with new family.
I want to introduce my room here! In my room, I have a bed with two pillows, a sofa,a TV, a closet, a drawer and a mirror. Maybe, everybody will say my room is big when they see my room. Actually,this room is bigger than my room in Japan:)
Pink is the prevailing color in my room ,because my blanket cover is pink. As all of my friends already heard enough from me, I like pink. I feel really happy when I am surrounded with the stuff I like. Namely,there are no way I can't feel happy in my room. lol
After I came here, my room has changed a little. For example, I got a screen door. My host father fixed it for me, after I replied that I tried to change the air in my room to his advice that it was better to close the door not to allow mosquito to enter in my room. My host father worried about me to be biten by mosquito because my room is in the backyard.( my room is a detached room). They seemed to take the trouble to order this screen door for me. I can't think of any ways to express my lots of thanks feeling to them.
My favorite point of my room is a sofa. My sofa can be a bed!! Fantastic!! One of my friend already have slept on this bed once.
ここのステイ先に、 10か月ステイさせてもらうことになりました。ということで、私の部屋紹介。日本の自分の部屋より広いです。テレビがあって、ソファーがあって、鏡があって、クローゼットがあって、もう、いたれりつくせり状態。ふとんカバーがピンクなので、全体的に、ピンくなイメージの部屋です。私好み(笑)もう、女の子受け入れるの前提の部屋になってます。
( ^ω^)(^ω^ )
で、first meeting=picnicは、どうだったのかと言うと、楽しかったです♪♪♪シンプルに、食べて&しゃべってで、5時間くらい色んな子と話してました。なぜなら、このクラブでは、日本人は重宝される=色んな子が話しかけてきてくれるから。ひゃ~、みんな優しい。彼らは、”日本が好き”と、ピンポイントで言ってきてくれて、彼らからは、日本好き好きオーラ♡が、ひしひしと伝わってきます。あんなにちっこい島なのに、なんか、いっちょ前に、ちゃんと文化があるんだなぁ~と、日本人の私が日本を彼らから学んだような気がします(笑)
sexy ...倖田來未
cute とprittyの違いは、難しい。。
ちなみに、その子は、私をcuteの部類に入いれてくれました(笑)。いや~、みんな、お世辞がうまい>o< でもな~、もっとhot な感じを目指してみたいです。
I joined the first meeting(picnic) of the animation club, today. We can say this club is international. Recently, I begin to realise that the word"foreigner" is not useful in Australia. It is impossible to tell the deference between local students and international students, because some local students look like international students. In fact,even though they are local students,most of them have different background. I easily agree that the word"multiculture" is exactly best word to express Australia.
To bring the talk back, the picnic is really interesting!! The conversation had got lively for about 5hours. Many members kindly spoke to me,give ears and full interest to me,because I am Japanese. Most of them are interested in "Japanese"animation very much. I can feel hard their favorable feeling to Japan. They are good teachers to let me realize that such a small country,Japan, has such a fine culture.
But...I should start to make friends on a more normal level instead of depending on novelty value. I want to really join in them someday. So, I have to step up many stages to improve English.
By the way, I got a good lesson from one of members about definitions of Kawaii. There are three words to express "Kawaii",sexy,cute and pretty.
The excellent example for sexy girl is Kauda Kumi. And a behalf of cute girl is Horikita Maki. And we can pick up Othuka Ai as an example of pretty girl. This club member kindly categolized me into cute.lol I bet she was good at honeying. >o< lol If possible , i wanna be a hot girl.
There's many true words spoken in jest.
ということで、今回の夢から考察できる仮説は、自分で気付かないうちに、ホームシック突入してるのかなと。。気づかないホームシックってありなのかなぁ('' )?まぁ、気づけたら、早めの処置ということで!!
こっちにくる前に、ある人からお願いされたのが、"夢が英語になったら教えてくれ"ということ。。悲しいかな、のだめは、達者な日本語を使ってた気がします( .. ;)ん~、まだまだですね。これを、英語に出来ないので、日本語オンリーで。。
A man's paradise is his good nature. My paradise is..Sea!
As early as today,I went to sea with my friend. The name of the beach is Bondai beach. We can go this lovely place only within 2 hours. I was really happy to live in such a good location now. In Japan, I have lived in Osaka and Yamanashi. Both of prefectures have no sea. So, I miss ....water! So, I can't help being overexcited once I saw huge sea. I surprised that water is salty, sunlight is warm and that sea is blue. I was really surprised such a little usual things.
Today is the first time to wear swim suit in the sea. I brought this swimming suit from Japan. This is a mother's one which she used when she was young. I guess there is no opportunities to wear it in Japan. But, in Australia, this is great help to me. I want to ask Autumn to be late. lol
In wine there is truth.
One of biggest surprises was that there were much more students who are intrested in Japan and Japanese than I expected;-D And I could make friends with them. Sometimes,I exchange e-mail with my new friendsB-) And I get a new hobby%->My new hobby is- as u already c it-short words (abbreviayion)
3Q very much 4 yr attention on my blog. C ya!
留学生のための、Welcome partyである、カクテルパーティーに行ってきました{{{=( ^^)ノ□ 最初は、どうなることやら・・と思っていたけど、、心配損('' ). 。o0O*何とな~くな感じで、何とかなりました( ^^)人(^^ )☆ なぜならば、みんな、もう、本当に、本当に、優しくて、社交的で、気さくで、おしゃべり好きだから。マシンガントーク炸裂です(^o^)~♪♪♪♪ 2時間で、ざっと15人くらいの子と、話してました。いや~凄い(☆o☆)!!ここまで、多様な学生が集まったら、まぁ、普通に、収拾がつかないよね。。ということで、カクテルパーティーは、かなり、うるさかったです(xx;)半径1m以内で、叫ばなきゃって、一体...( --)/( ^∑^ )... 叫び方、教えてもらわなきゃですね。
かなり、驚きだったのは、日本に興味もってくれてる学生が、めっちゃいたこと。日本人にしてみれば、ありがたい環境です。友達も、できました。そして、メールもちょいちょい、してます( 6^^)~(^^9)そして、新たな趣味の発掘です!
Thousands of choices mean thousands of additional choices for error.
-is in an impregnable in my rank. Simple is best :>
Not so sweet not so bitter.
Nocha Hazelnut
This crispy taste makes me get hooked. One problem is that this Tim Tam is a bit smaller than normal one. This size of Tim Tam is not satisfactory to me..
I want to eat this TimTam with a cup of black coffee.
Chewy Caramel
Soo sweet. To eat this Tim Tam once a month or so is enough for me.
How many flavors there are?
--- The quick answer is.... too much to count..
( >▽)o"
You know, he is one kind of crocodiles. And he is one of foods in Australia...
It took me almost 20 min to take this picture, because the turtle 's swiming speed is too fast to follow to grasp a perfect moment for a good shot. ..→
←On the other hand, I could take picture of him within few seconds!
What a magical picture it is !!
He is one of staff members. He kindly guided me inside the aquarium. I learned many fish names such as pinokio fish, banana fish, chocolate fish and so on. Some of them are real names. Some of them are maybe made by him! Thanks to abusing his privileges, I could go trough one-way route from oposite side and I could cut corners by using staff only door.
Kindly, he told me the time of feeding to seals. And I took a picture.
He usually keep a straight face.
but.. →Sometimes,he remembers wild sense.
Welcome to a small Japan world!
Today, I held a sushi party in my house to tell my thanks feeling to them. I used the sushi pack I brought from Japan. I was a bit surprised that I already had a chance to use it. This sushi pack includes main ingredients and it is already seasoned. That means all I have to do is only to boil the rice in a rice-cooker and mix. How easy it is!! lol I made sushi rolls, chirashi sushi, miso soup, potato salad with my friends for 10 portions of sushi. It took us about 4hours… because I am very very poor at cooking…
Surprisingly, there are a lot of chopsticks and makisu and a rice-cooker in my house, because they have accepted some Japanese before me and these Japanese left such kinds of Japanese goods. Moreover, my host family members like Japanese food. There are always soy sauce and vinegar in my house. My host grandmother really likes miso soup. So, she tries to keep miso about. I can feel small Japan at the house in Australia.
As to the evaluation for our cooking, all of them kindly said “yummy”. You see, there’re no possibilities to be yucky because we had a strong supporter, the sushi pack though, I was happy to hear that may host family members like our cooking (><)! We used cucumbers, tuna, salmons, eggs, crab sticks, mackerels and avocados. Sushi rolls with avocados are yummy contrary to my exceptions!
「チョコレート工場の秘密」が、テレビでやってました。もう、私のために、流れているとしか思えない!!何を隠そう、日本から唯一持参した、本が、”Charlie and the Chocorate Factory" ♪♪そして、卒論のテーマを、作者のロアルト・ダールしようとしてるくらいですから~。ダール大好きです(><)♪彼の本は、児童書でありながら、ちょっと、皮肉混じりなとこが、スパイス効いてる感じで、ぐっときます。だから、大人のファンも多いんでしょうね。まぁ、全く、英語は聴き取れませんが・・問題ありません。
"Charlie and the Chocorate Factory" was brodcasted on TV today. It is not too much to say that this Movie program was televised for me. "Charlie and the Chocorate Factory"is just an only book that I brought from Japan. I really like the author of this book, Roald Dahl . In fact, I plan to write my final report about his books to garduate from my home university when I become 4 grade student. Though most of his books are for children, there are not only funtasy world but also elements of sarcasm in his books. So,I think, there are many adult fans.
Even though I couldn't catch English...it is no problem!!
I eagar to see . I eagar to ride in the glasses lift. I eagar to eat chocorates.
Standing in the house:
He is only man in this house.
I pity for him that he surrounded by 6 women (girls?) now…
But, in this house, I can hear “Daddy” as almost same times as “Mummy”
Character: He has a good sense of humor.
Favorite food: sushi roll, Chinese nodle
The habit of saying: “no more” when the middle daughter says” one more”.
The special talent:
Making guitars.
Making beer.
Doing imitation of his one-year-old daughter. She often roars.
Arranging cups and plates neatly in a washing machine.
{{{三( ^^)/
What I did at daytime was going to Darling harbor at Sydney. There is zoo(museum?) named Wild Wide World.
I went there with my friends.
The grasshopper played hide-and-seek. Can you find it?
One of animals which have a great spirit of service is the snake. i could comunicate it face to face(hand to hand?)
On the other hand, an animal which have no spirit of service is koala…
Needless to say, one of famous animals is the kangaroo. This kangaroo rested its gaze on my camera.
My favorite animal is ウォンバット.( I don't know how I can spell it..) I adore its sorrowful eyes.
He got a real butterfly ribbon. lol
~The part of conversations between my host mother and me in this morning~
Mother: can I vacuum the carpet in your room today?
Me: Aren’t you weighted down with that?
Mother: I don’t mind. I will vacuum all rooms, so it’s not different for me.
Me: But..I can do by myself.
Mother: If you mind, I won’t enter your room, it’s up to you.
Me: I don’t mind…
After that, I worried that she felt my room is messy, that I depend on her too much and that she felt I didn’t want others to enter my room… Then, I came back home, I realized her real intention. Today is St. Valentine’s Day!! Today was special day for me.
Today, the prime minister apologized for aborigines about stolen generation. Stolen generation means the historical event that aborigines were robbed their children in the past and they have had hard time. According to my host parents, it is the first attempt to apologize to aborigines formally. My host parents told me that today was such a historic day and they also taught me the news web site to search the detail. News.com.au. ( Saying sorry is only human. Poplic backs national apology.)As far as I read the article, most of people in Australia support this apology, but some of them don’t support it. I can’t find information why some don’t want to apologize from news. If I have some opportunities, I want to ask my host parents. By the way, I came across useful words and expressions in the article. For example, I can pick up the word “address” as the excellent example. I don’t know that I can use this word as not only noun but also verb. It means discussing the particular problem. Furthermore, I know, for the first time, I can use the word “human” as adjective. One of useful expression is “Loving family” If I can use this expression freely, I don’t need to use the sentence such as that my family has big love for me. My most favorite word in the article is” adore” We can use this word in such a sentence: I adore going to the cinema. Dictionary says that this is girl’s word. I try to use this word in conversations instead of like or love. If we pause, readers might understand why some words are thick and this sentence is little strange, implicitly. lol
今日は、総理大臣(?)が、アボリジニの人たちに、初めて、正式に&公式に謝るという、オーストラリアでは、ちょっとした歴史的な日でした。この情報&ニュースサイトを、ホストファミリーから教えてもらいました。そして、ニュース熟読。 昔、アボリジニの人たちは、子供を連れさらわれ、そのことを、Stolen Generation と呼んでいるようです。ほとんどの人が、この謝罪を支持しているらしいのですが、その一方で、反対している人もいるとのこと。反対の理由は、私が見つけたニュースを読む限り、分かりません。。機会があったら、ホストファミリーに聞いてみようと思います!! 話は変わって、びびっと来る表現や言葉が、記事の中にちらほら。たとえば、address。住所という名詞以外に、なんと、動詞の用法はあったんですね~。「演説する」という意味になるそうです。他の例としては、”human”。形容詞で、「人間らしい」という意味。The human touchで「人情味」あと、見つけた、表現が”loving family” これをマスターすれば、「私の家族は、私に対して愛情が満ちあふれています!!」なんていうような、変な文を言わなくても良いわけです♪お気に入りの言葉は、”adore”。女の子が良く使う言葉らしいです。Likeの代わりに使えたら、会話がカラフルになるのでは!?と思います。 ちょっと、ポーズを置いたら、何で、部分的に太文字なのか、何でこの文章が無理やりな感じなのか、暗黙の了解で、分かると思います(笑)
We use eyes to see♪
今日は、子供向け番組”Wriggle”に見入ってました。ネイティブと同じタイミングで笑える唯一の番組です。今日のNew words は、Dog, Cat, Snake. あぁ~、なんだ、こんな単語か~と、侮ることなかれ、、その単語の説明の方が厄介!!! 説明が聞き取れるなら、この単語は既に知ってるんじゃないかなと・・思ってしまったり。。。 世界の言葉で、Hello!を言おうというコーナーでは、何と!「こんにちは」が、一番に登場。日本人多いもんね~。でも、日本でいう”歌のお兄さん”の発音が、こんにちは。絶妙(>w<;).. “We use eyes to see~, we use nose to smell~, hands to touch and tongue to taste♪”そのままやんっ”( >o)/( -ω-;)”と突っ込み入れつつ、多分、明日も見入ります(笑
「お姉ちゃんがドーナッツを5つ買ってきました」 私の存在は忘れていなかったようですが、私が日本にいないということは忘れていたようです(笑) ところ変わって、オーストラリア。昨日、覚えた単語は、ブランコ、ミミズ等々。ホストファミリー色が出ますね。 あと、かなりショックだったのは、棒、スプーンが聞き取れなかったこと。中学の必須単語なのに。。ひゃ~、ひどい(><)… この家族は、夜に本の読み聞かせをしています。読める?と言われて、まぁ、読めませんでしたね。最後は、一緒に本に出てくる星の数を数えて、、本の内容完全無視でした。生きていくためには、speakingだと良く言うけれど、子供達と触れ合うためにはreadingだって必須なんです ( >▽)o”頑張ります。 夜は、ホストファザーお手製のビールをちびちび飲みながら、ホストマザー絶賛のTV番組“brothers & sisters”を鑑賞。ひとつ、新たな目標ができました。1年で、この番組の内容についていけるようにすること。TOEFLのスコアよりも、何よりも、私の目標のなかで、一番高いハードルになると思います。。。
I got an e-mail from my mother. In this mail, she said that my sister bought five doughnuts for my family. I was happy to know that she didn’t forget my existence, but I realized that she forgot that I am not in Japan now. Yesterday, I learn new words such as earthworm and swing. The words I learn here are very affected by structure of host family, I think. That I couldn’t catch easy words such as spoon and stick gave me a turn… My host parents try to read books for their kids every night. Kids asked me to read books yesterday and I tried to read, but it was a little difficult for me to read smoothly. I hope I could read books fluently in near future. At night, I watched American TV show named “sisters& brother” with my host mother with drinking bear made by my host father. I could find a new aim in Australia after I watched this TV show. The aim is that to understand the outline of this TV show within a year!! This aim will be the most difficult aim to achieve for me..
Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I guessed I would face many difficulties in Australia, especially in the beginning of home stay. But, there is nothing special which makes me bothered so far. My home stay family is accustomed to accept international guests. In fact, I heard there were three Chinese kids in this house recently, even though my host parents have their own three young kids. Now, there is another Japanese girl except for me. It seems that they accept international students during most of the year I think they are very tough and open-minded. I have never seen parents stop moving since I came to this house. I guess it is better to describe that ‘I mixed well in this house like an air’ than describing that 'I could adapt myself to the atmosphere in this house'. I really feel their welcome atmosphere. What a great start to the day in Australia!
Oh, I can remember one problem here. I brought my alarm clock to Australia from Japan. This clock can sense a kind of signal from a satellite and can adjust time automatically. Sadly, I realized that the signal can’t reach here… I will wake up at 8 o’clock tomorrow, so I have to set the alarm clock for 6 (><)!
I've got to go to bed now.