「お姉ちゃんがドーナッツを5つ買ってきました」 私の存在は忘れていなかったようですが、私が日本にいないということは忘れていたようです(笑) ところ変わって、オーストラリア。昨日、覚えた単語は、ブランコ、ミミズ等々。ホストファミリー色が出ますね。 あと、かなりショックだったのは、棒、スプーンが聞き取れなかったこと。中学の必須単語なのに。。ひゃ~、ひどい(><)… この家族は、夜に本の読み聞かせをしています。読める?と言われて、まぁ、読めませんでしたね。最後は、一緒に本に出てくる星の数を数えて、、本の内容完全無視でした。生きていくためには、speakingだと良く言うけれど、子供達と触れ合うためにはreadingだって必須なんです ( >▽)o”頑張ります。 夜は、ホストファザーお手製のビールをちびちび飲みながら、ホストマザー絶賛のTV番組“brothers & sisters”を鑑賞。ひとつ、新たな目標ができました。1年で、この番組の内容についていけるようにすること。TOEFLのスコアよりも、何よりも、私の目標のなかで、一番高いハードルになると思います。。。
I got an e-mail from my mother. In this mail, she said that my sister bought five doughnuts for my family. I was happy to know that she didn’t forget my existence, but I realized that she forgot that I am not in Japan now. Yesterday, I learn new words such as earthworm and swing. The words I learn here are very affected by structure of host family, I think. That I couldn’t catch easy words such as spoon and stick gave me a turn… My host parents try to read books for their kids every night. Kids asked me to read books yesterday and I tried to read, but it was a little difficult for me to read smoothly. I hope I could read books fluently in near future. At night, I watched American TV show named “sisters& brother” with my host mother with drinking bear made by my host father. I could find a new aim in Australia after I watched this TV show. The aim is that to understand the outline of this TV show within a year!! This aim will be the most difficult aim to achieve for me..
5 件のコメント:
That is really cute that your sister bought five donuts...
I think that it is interesting that you have a hard time reading the children's books, as I have had a similar experience here. We often come across new words in such books, even if our language skills are good. There are just many words that we don't use every day, but that kids do. Maybe you should take some time and read those books, as it could be a fun way to learn some new words. You can always ask the kids to explain anything new to you. It would be a great way to spend some time with them...
By the way, why not use your "noticing" skills (英語C) and take notes from the TV shows? I am sure that you will understand the show completely by the time you finish your stay there.
My host father could understand ( guess?)what I read, but kids couldn't catch my English.. Maybe, children have more delicate ears and they will become more severe teachers for me.
I already tried to take notes as watching Shrek2 and realized how the subtitle is useful. In fact, the word only I could catch is " keep out"... But, I know how movies are useful to syudy English. I still remember wee-wee and poop in Shrek3. lol I'll try hard!!
Why is it that the "dirty" words are always the easiest to remember? I really hope that you got more out of the Shrek 3 class than just "wee-wee" and "poop"...
I guess that since you are living with a group of kids now, you just may hear those words pretty often though, so they will be useful...
Dirty words are easy to remember." I can completely agree your idea and I ensure it will be a witty remark.
I can feel my English skill is improving now. But, I also notice that many (a little) difficult words slipped out of my mind. And I begin to realize that these words won't come back unless I study by myself, because I tend to use easy words to comminicate to my host family and they also try to speak simply for me.
I hope I can also talk a complicated story to you when I come back to Japan with mixing dirty words and a little difficult words.