
In wine there is truth.

Today, I went 2 the Cocktail Party 4 new International students @ uni :) Before the cocktail party started, I had hopes and fear. I really worried whether I could make friends, coz I am shy and I had slightest idea I could speak to others:-x But, I realized that there was no need for such a heavy heart.:-P Students here are kind, outgoing ,sociable and talkative:-D Yep, they are tremendous talkers!! Maybe, I chatted with at least 15 students in 2 hours;) U know,with such a mix of people who have diffrent backgrounds, we can always have a maverous(crazy?) time. And I bet u can easily guess the Cocktail party was very noisy:-[ We had to shout to comunicate:O I want to know how I can master the way of shouting...
One of biggest surprises was that there were much more students who are intrested in Japan and Japanese than I expected;-D And I could make friends with them. Sometimes,I exchange e-mail with my new friendsB-) And I get a new hobby%->My new hobby is- as u already c it-short words (abbreviayion)
3Q very much 4 yr attention on my blog. C ya!

留学生のための、Welcome partyである、カクテルパーティーに行ってきました{{{=( ^^)ノ□ 最初は、どうなることやら・・と思っていたけど、、心配損('' ). 。o0O*何とな~くな感じで、何とかなりました( ^^)人(^^ )☆ なぜならば、みんな、もう、本当に、本当に、優しくて、社交的で、気さくで、おしゃべり好きだから。マシンガントーク炸裂です(^o^)~♪♪♪♪ 2時間で、ざっと15人くらいの子と、話してました。いや~凄い(☆o☆)!!ここまで、多様な学生が集まったら、まぁ、普通に、収拾がつかないよね。。ということで、カクテルパーティーは、かなり、うるさかったです(xx;)半径1m以内で、叫ばなきゃって、一体...( --)/( ^∑^  )... 叫び方、教えてもらわなきゃですね。
 かなり、驚きだったのは、日本に興味もってくれてる学生が、めっちゃいたこと。日本人にしてみれば、ありがたい環境です。友達も、できました。そして、メールもちょいちょい、してます( 6^^)~(^^9)そして、新たな趣味の発掘です!

4 件のコメント:

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

Your new hobby, of using text-chat style writing, is interesting. I often use the same style when I am taking notes, as you may have noticed in some of my classes. ;^)
I think that a lot of those may get flagged in the spell check before you post, which may be why a few other spelling errors got through... Don't 4get 2 check the spelling B4 U publish :^)
The cocktail party sounds like a lot of fun. Western cocktail parties tend to be different from Japanese drinking parties. I must admit that I prefer the western style, as it is fun to walk around and meet lots of people. They do tend to get a little loud though...

Kanako さんのコメント...

Yes, in TOEFL class, I got some!!
I try to use that strong supporter
next time..
I want to use a moving chair in the drinking party to move as I sit.

renidentia991 さんのコメント...

I need new dictionary like this .
yes, it's for parents. but I learn some words.

Kanako さんのコメント...

afaic,this web site is really interesting!! But, i guess there are no oppotunities to use "aml" in my life. lol
btw, thanks alots to let me know such a useful web site:>