
We use eyes to see♪

I seriously watched a TV show for kids named “Wriggle”. This is the only show I can laugh at the same time as native speakers. We learn Dog, Cat, and Snake as new words. Even though these words are too easy for me, I can’t make light of this program, because the explanations for these words are more complicated than words themselves. I suppose children already know these words if they can understand these explanations. This program contains the program to introduce the international greetings. To be surprised, Japanese was introduced first. But the intonation of an actor is really awful. In this show, we can find the song: “We use eyes to see~, we use nose to smell~, hands to touch and tongue to taste♪” I can’t help pointing out that this song is too,too,too simple, but I will watch this show tomorrow too. lol

今日は、子供向け番組”Wriggle”に見入ってました。ネイティブと同じタイミングで笑える唯一の番組です。今日のNew words は、Dog, Cat, Snake. あぁ~、なんだ、こんな単語か~と、侮ることなかれ、、その単語の説明の方が厄介!!! 説明が聞き取れるなら、この単語は既に知ってるんじゃないかなと・・思ってしまったり。。。  世界の言葉で、Hello!を言おうというコーナーでは、何と!「こんにちは」が、一番に登場。日本人多いもんね~。でも、日本でいう”歌のお兄さん”の発音が、こんちは。絶妙(>w<;)..  “We use eyes to see~, we use nose to smell~, hands to touch and tongue to taste♪”そのままやんっ”( >o)/( -ω-;)”と突っ込み入れつつ、多分、明日も見入ります(笑


6 件のコメント:

renidentia991 さんのコメント...

and legs to kick him♪

If someone says "コンニチハ" with that intonation he must have watched it! , or everyone in there said so?

Kanako さんのコメント...

At least,all my host family mambers pronounce こん"に"ちは.. Mabe, we need real 歌のお兄さん here. 

Steve Henneberry さんのコメント...

Maybe YOU can get a job as 歌のお姉さん。。。
The kids show sounds cute. That should be a fun way for you to study, while spending time with the kids as well.

KUMI さんのコメント...

Hello, Kanako!! How are you?

I'm sorry to comment you late(;→д←) I'm glad to see your diary, you seem to enjoy everyday in Australia♡

If the intonation of 歌のお兄さん is strange, you teach your host family the correct intonation! But I think such TV programs for kids are also useful for you. Please continue to see them and study♪

Kanako さんのコメント...

To henneberry sensei
Yeah, Ilike,love and adore this show more than kids. The kids show is one of good ways to learn langurge as well "Enka".

Kanako さんのコメント...

To Kumi
Thank you for your comment m(_ _)m I'm great now!! How about you? Did you enjoy your vacation?
By the way, I wonder how you can use face letters like this→(;→д←)♡