
( ^ω^)(^ω^ )

 UTSには、アニメーションクラブというものがあります。今日は、そのFirst meetingなるものにお邪魔してきました。本当にInternational なクラブ。最近、思うのはforeignerという単語が、こっちでは役に立たないということ。ほとんどの子のbackgroundには、どこかしらの国が絡んでます。留学生に見えても、local studentだったり、日本でいう"foreigner"のように見える子が、Austrarilan だったりします。本当に、オーストラリアは、multiculture という言葉が、ぴったりの国です。
 で、first meeting=picnicは、どうだったのかと言うと、楽しかったです♪♪♪シンプルに、食べて&しゃべってで、5時間くらい色んな子と話してました。なぜなら、このクラブでは、日本人は重宝される=色んな子が話しかけてきてくれるから。ひゃ~、みんな優しい。彼らは、”日本が好き”と、ピンポイントで言ってきてくれて、彼らからは、日本好き好きオーラ♡が、ひしひしと伝わってきます。あんなにちっこい島なのに、なんか、いっちょ前に、ちゃんと文化があるんだなぁ~と、日本人の私が日本を彼らから学んだような気がします(笑)
sexy ...倖田來未
cute とprittyの違いは、難しい。。
ちなみに、その子は、私をcuteの部類に入いれてくれました(笑)。いや~、みんな、お世辞がうまい>o< でもな~、もっとhot な感じを目指してみたいです。  
I joined the first meeting(picnic) of the animation club, today. We can say this club is international. Recently, I begin to realise that the word"foreigner" is not useful in Australia. It is impossible to tell the deference between local students and international students, because some local students look like international students. In fact,even though they are local students,most of them have different background. I easily agree that the word"multiculture" is exactly best word to express Australia.
To bring the talk back, the picnic is really interesting!! The conversation had got lively for about 5hours. Many members kindly spoke to me,give ears and full interest to me,because I am Japanese. Most of them are interested in "Japanese"animation very much. I can feel hard their favorable feeling to Japan. They are good teachers to let me realize that such a small country,Japan, has such a fine culture.
But...I should start to make friends on a more normal level instead of depending on novelty value. I want to really join in them someday. So, I have to step up many stages to improve English.
By the way, I got a good lesson from one of members about definitions of Kawaii. There are three words to express "Kawaii",sexy,cute and pretty.
The excellent example for sexy girl is Kauda Kumi. And a behalf of cute girl is Horikita Maki. And we can pick up Othuka Ai as an example of pretty girl. This club member kindly categolized me into cute.lol I bet she was good at honeying. >o< lol If possible , i wanna be a hot girl.

6 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Hmm i bet you im the one who said kawaii lol ^^

匿名 さんのコメント...
renidentia991 さんのコメント...

I think it's not because you are Japanese that they make friends with you. It's just because you are charming. with confidence!

Kanako さんのコメント...

to ben
You are good at complimenting too. By the way,I think it is a little dengerous to write your phone number..

Kanako さんのコメント...

to watabo
Thank you:) I hope so!! People around me are very very kind. Their kindness let me feel that I want to be kind to international students when i go back to Japan. So, please be kind to international students instead of me m(_ _)m

匿名 さんのコメント...

Nah dont worry i switch my phone number often lol.

do you use mixi? lol