「チョコレート工場の秘密」が、テレビでやってました。もう、私のために、流れているとしか思えない!!何を隠そう、日本から唯一持参した、本が、”Charlie and the Chocorate Factory" ♪♪そして、卒論のテーマを、作者のロアルト・ダールしようとしてるくらいですから~。ダール大好きです(><)♪彼の本は、児童書でありながら、ちょっと、皮肉混じりなとこが、スパイス効いてる感じで、ぐっときます。だから、大人のファンも多いんでしょうね。まぁ、全く、英語は聴き取れませんが・・問題ありません。
"Charlie and the Chocorate Factory" was brodcasted on TV today. It is not too much to say that this Movie program was televised for me. "Charlie and the Chocorate Factory"is just an only book that I brought from Japan. I really like the author of this book, Roald Dahl . In fact, I plan to write my final report about his books to garduate from my home university when I become 4 grade student. Though most of his books are for children, there are not only funtasy world but also elements of sarcasm in his books. So,I think, there are many adult fans.
Even though I couldn't catch English...it is no problem!!
I eagar to see . I eagar to ride in the glasses lift. I eagar to eat chocorates.
5 件のコメント:
I also have that book!(Of course in English!;-)
I think Oompa-Loompas in the movie isn't cute. But the squirrels which clever like that enchant me.
Thank you very much to tell me how to spell "Oompa-Loompas". Do you know Charlie found a gold ticket in not 3rd chocolate bar but 4th chocolate bar ? The film story is different from the original book.
uhm...I feel like that, in the book, Joe gave his secret savings to Charlie. Is it correct? I don't remember clearly.:-(
Sometimes I think that movies can't beat original books.
Yes, Joe gave his money to Charlie.After that, Charlie picked up yhe bill in the street. This bill was enough to buy "2" chocolate bars!!
oh! I just remember! thanks.